Page 81 of Brady

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The Catholic church was packed to capacity and the reporters were salivating at the romance behind the union, one that had been going on for several decades.

The ceremony was brief and poignant, the reception followed at the Royal Hotel.

“It seems like déjà vu all over again.” Brady murmured as they made their way around the dancefloor.

“It does. They look so happy.”

Brady glanced over to look at the couple who were surrounded by well-wishers. “I’ve never seen him so carefree before. He deserves it.”

“I agree.”

“Tired, darling?”

“A little but I’m fine.”


“Yes. Stop worrying.”

“Kind of my job.”

“Sometimes you take it too seriously.”

“Still my job. I adore you, darling.”

“Mom and Syd will be leaving for their honeymoon shortly. We could leave right after.”

“Have something in mind?”

“Absolutely.” She whispered.


Their son was born after four hours of surprisingly easy labor and delivery on a rainy day in the middle of August. The beautiful baby boy with the dark brown hair and hazel eyes immediately became the object of everyone’s affection.

The proud grandparents were present for all of it and the mother was allowed to go home that afternoon. “We’d like you to stay at our house. There are more servants here and we’d like to spend some time with this beautiful boy.”

So they were at the house where Sydney and Michelle had gone ahead and set up a nursery for their grandson.

“You go on and rest, darling.” She urged her daughter. “We’ll see to little Andre.”

“They’re going to spoil him.” Macayla leaned back against her husband in the bedroom that had been hers when she was growing up.

“I see it happening already.” He wrapped his arms around his flattened waist. “You were a trooper.”

Turning her to face him, he gazed at her and felt the familiar lump lodged inside his throat. “I’m so proud of you.”

Leaning into him, she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. She was right here where she belonged. She had her family and nothing else mattered.

The end...
