Page 35 of His Innocent Mate

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Lightning strikes in every direction, near and far. The deafening cracks send my heart into a gallop.

We’d had storms at my cabin growing up. Bad ones. But never like this.

I’ve made a mistake. I shouldn’t be out here.

My hair flies against my face. I try to pull it back, but with the wind whipping around, it’s a wonder I’m even standing. Or that my dress is still on me.


The ground shakes so badly I almost fall. I need to get out of the rain, or I’ll die.

I look over at the house and see Brock rushing out the door, charging toward me.

Without thinking, I run towards the road, determined to get as far away from my crazy ex-mate as possible.

Something smacks my forehead. Then my arms. Then my legs.

Fuck, it’s hailing.

With as devastated as the world is, weather can change on a dime, going from sunny skies to doom and gloom at the snap of your fingers.

And this is the worst I’ve ever seen it.


I fall to the ground, landing on wet grass. Gasping for breath, I struggle to get to my feet, but my fingers are numb. I hadn’t even realized they were cold.

I’ve fucked up. I shouldn’t be out here. It’s too dangerous.

Big arms wrap around me, pulling me close.

Oh, hell no!

I fight against Brock, trying to escape, but into what I do not know. The homestead is falling apart, with trees falling everywhere.

“It’s okay, Lyra. I got you.” Despite Brock yelling, I can barely hear him.

“Let me go!” I cry, twisting to get away.

“It’s okay, baby. I’d never hurt you.”

I don’t have a choice. It’s either let him take me back, or die.

And it’s no longer just me and my siblings I have to worry about.

Brock holds me close as he starts back towards the house, but with the wind picking up, he can hardly walk.


Brock’s strong grip releases, and I fly through the air as the icy wind rips me away, whipping my body across the yard.

I land near a tree and grab the base, trying to pull myself up, but as I draw to a stand, my fingers give way, casting me to the earth and turning the world black.



Lyra’s small body twists under the blanket. A part of me is glad she’s slept through most of the chaos going on outside, but not all of me is that selfless.
