Page 34 of His Innocent Mate

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Now, I’m not so sure. Now, everything’s changed. Everything’s…oh, fuck!

With growing horror, I realize I’ve fallen in love with the woman I’ve grossly mistreated.



She goes to her dresser and rummages for clothes.

“I’m sorry!”

“You’re sorry for what? Making me fall for you? Treating me like shit? Making me enjoy every disgusting moment of it?”

“Listen, Lyra—you can’t have the baby! We made a mistake.”

Her face twists in horror. “Yeah, you made a big fucking mistake. And you can stay here and deal with it.”

God, please don’t let it be too late!I pray.

Pulling her dress on, she yells, “Hear that, Venus—I’m leaving. I’m walking back from where I came because I did my job and there’s no way I can stay here with him. So come and get me!”

* * *


As I pull on my shoes, I look around the cabin one last time. I was happy here, once. With such big dreams.

“Please, Lyra—listen to me,” Brock begs.

Disgust coils in my gut like a snake. I admit that I wasn’t too keen on getting pregnant, but now that I am, I’d do anything to protect my baby.

And it seems for me to do that, I have to get as far away from Brock as possible.

I open the door to sheets of rain. I’d forgotten it was storming.

A nagging feeling tells me to stay. Venus warned us not to go out in inclement weather.

But Brock made that impossible. He’s already shown me how unstable he is. The last thing I need is to be trapped with him while he’s so unhinged.

“Goodbye, Brock.”

“For God’s sake, look at it out there.”

“If Venus cares so much, they’ll come get me,” I say as I walk out, slamming the door shut behind me.

I rush towards the road, my feet squelching on the muddy grass.

I wish I’d grabbed a jacket, but I was too angry to think straight. Not that it matters.

Chickens fly across the yard, and I feel a tinge of guilt because I love all the animals we’ve cared for during our time here.

Thunder cracks and sparks erupt from all around.

What the hell is going on?

A tree falls, crashing onto the shed.

Oh, shit!

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