Page 25 of Chosen Omega

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He nods softly then calls out over his shoulder for the other three to grab the blankets for me. Someone throws the soft blanket I brought with me last night over Erik’s shoulder and he starts walking again. I know that Ishouldtell him to put me down and let me walk, but I really don’t want to leave his arms. Instead of insisting I can walk, I snuggle into his embrace as he walks down the stairs and across the backyard to the house. I tense a bit when I think that Mandy and her Alphas will be in the dining room, but I have nothing to worry about, there isn’t anyone else home.

“Where are Mandy and the dads?”

Erik is carrying me up the stairs to my room. Looking over his shoulder, I see the other guys toting all of the blankets and pillows we slept with last night and my heart floats to my throat. They are so damn sweet. When we make it to my room, Erik passes the bed and takes me straight to the bathroom. He doesn’t put me down until the shower starts. Then, he only sits me on the bathroom counter before he pulls my shirt off me. I know it's silly, but my face flushes when his gaze slowly falls down to my breasts. He saw so much more than this last night, but now I feel shy … right up until his blazing gaze catches mine.

“You're so goddamn beautiful, Becca. Can …” His gaze falls to the wall over my shoulder and his fair skin turns pink. Clearing his throat, he finishes his question. “Would you mind if I got in the shower with you?”

His face is as red as mine, but he is so damn cute. My big Viking mate. I still wonder how the hell I ended up with Mates as wonderful as them. They show me over and over again that not all men are like Henry and Camden, that some guys are sweet and gentle. I’m so fucking glad that I got them.

“Of course. But I’ll need help getting these shorts off and you can’t get in the shower dressed.” His smile makes my heart flutter, but when he sets me on my feet and slowly pulls my shorts and panties down my legs, it stops all together.

On his knees, he looks up at me from under his long golden lashes and leans into me. His nose rests on the apex of my thighs as he takes in a long deep breath. My face feels hot and I know my cheeks are red as rubies, but I’m so wet, I’m shocked it’s not running down my leg. A purr grumbles in his chest when he takes two handfuls of my ass and pulls me closer to him. He doesn’t try to get a taste, he just breathes in my essence for a minute before he stands up and quickly takes off his clothes. I’m still a bit stunned at how big he is, all over.

Taking my hand, he pulls me into the shower and tips my head back in the water. He takes his time washing my hair, his thick fingers massaging my scalp as he lathers shampoo in like a professional. I quietly moan, loving the feeling of his hands on me. But I didn’t expect what he did when the shampoo was rinsed out. Grabbing my hips, he picks me up and shoves my back against the wall. My eyes snap open and I gasp at the feral heat in his gaze. He doesn’t say a word, he just growls and slams into my body.

“Oh Fuck! Erik.”

He isn’t slow or gentle. He takes what he wants from my body, growling and moaning with every thrust. It feels amazing, my thighs burn from being wrapped around his wide waist and I’m still a bit sore from last night, but the little bites of pain drive my pleasure higher. This isn’t the same as last night, this is just a quick dirty fuck in the shower and it’s so perfect. I’m so close … so damn close! Erik wraps a hand around my throat, not squeezing, but holding me in place.

“Come little Omega, come all over my cock like a good girl.” His words are growled out, rough and dirty, and I do exactly what he wants.

I explode, shouting as I come all over him, just like he told me too. Stars burst behind my eyes and my whole body trembles as wave after wave of pure ecstasy rushes through me. I swear, my soul leaves my body and I die a little from how hard my orgasm hits me. I barely hear Erik call out as his hips jolt forward and he comes deep inside of me. I briefly wonder again why he didn’t knot me, but Erik’s mouth on mine drives the thought from my mind. He kisses me like I’m the air he needs to survive and I don’t hold back. I meet his tongue, stroke for stroke as he plunders my mouth.

We finish the shower, petting and teasing one another between giggles and heated glances. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud, happy and whole. But the feeling of elation quickly falls away when we get out. Skylar is leaning on the counter with clothes in his hand, his words remind me of what's coming and the nerves are back.

“The Alphas just got back. The council is here now.”

Chapter Twenty Six

Meeting the Council

Wegetdressedasfast as we can. I almost fall when I step into my pants, but Skylar wraps his hands around my arms and steadies me as I get them pulled up. My hair is a soaking wet mess, but I don’t have time to do anything about it other than pull it up into a messy bun. The shirt Skylar picked for me is strapless and all of my mate marks are on full display. I consider covering them for half a second, but just the thought of it has my stomach turning. I’m not ashamed of my mates, and if the council has a problem with them, then they can fuck all the way off.

I rush out of the room with Skylar and Erik hot on my heels. Erik isn’t wearing a shirt and Skylar’s Hawian button up is open. CJ and Hutch are waiting at the top of the stairs, both men in blue jeans and backwards ball caps without shirts. I see that all of my men have their mate marks on full display and my heart swells. They aren’t trying to hide my claim on them anymore than I’m hiding mine. They really do want everyone to know they are mine.

Before I can rush down the stairs, CJ snags me around the waist and pulls my back flush against his chest. He inhales a chest full of my scent and kisses his mark on my neck. Heat pools deep in my belly and my cheeks turn pink, but I can’t wipe the smile off my lips. Hutch leans down and kisses me softly. I really think I may be addicted to their touches and kisses. Everytime I get close to them, it's harder to keep my hands to myself.

“Slow down, Red.” CJ speaks softly in my ear and my body melts into his. “They can wait, I promise, they aren’t bad. Everything will be okay.”

“Yeah, we grew up knowing them as our uncles and aunts. Just relax. Everything will work out how it’s supposed to.” Hutch holds my hand as CJ sets me back down on my feet and we slowly walk down the stairs.

We chat about the people they know as we walk to meet the Council. They tell me a hilarious story about one of the guys on the team trying to challenge Erik to a ‘hit off’ to take his spot on defense and tears are rolling down my cheeks. I'm laughing so hard I can’t breathe as Hutch starts making all these funny faces trying to show me the emotional range this kid had when Erik stood in front of him in the ‘circle’. Honestly, half of what they are saying doesn’t make sense to me, but I don’t want to interrupt the story to get the answers, I’ll just ask them to clarify later. We make it into the dining room right at the end of the story.

“The kid shrieks and runs off the field. We haven’t seen him on the field since. Erik tried to talk to him about a week later, but the kid saw him walking towards him and literally jumped into a trashcan to avoid him.” The guys are laughing with me now, even Erik is chuckling.

Of course, I feel a little bad for the kid and make a note in my head to go talk to him and see if he will sit down with me and Erik to talk once I get back to school. Nobody should be scared to walk the halls of the school because of my mate’s size. That's not right. I’m so busy laughing at the story and making plans in my head that I don’t even notice all the people in the room at first. James’s voice pulls my attention, and that is what clues me into all the wolves in the room. I shrink back and tuck myself behind Erik, using his size to hide from the strangers in the room I can feel staring at me. Small whimpers leave my chest and Erik stiffens in front of me. Skylar presses his chest to my back, wrapping his arms around my waist and petting my hair. Whispering words of comfort in my ear.

“Are you guys telling her that story? That poor kid is petrified.” His words are meant to be chastising, but I can hear the laughter and slight concern in his tone.

Peeking around Erik’s side, I see Mandy and her Alphas looking towards me with concerned expressions. There are four other Alphas in the room and another Omega, all of them watching our pack with curious expressions. Two of the strange wolves are women but the other three are large males. One of the women looks big standing next to Mandy, so I know that she’ll tower over me. Anxiety circles in my chest and I push myself closer to Erik, dragging Skylar with me since his arms are still wrapped around my waist.

“Shh, it’s okay, Red. Nobody here will hurt you. I promise. We wouldn’t let them.” Skylar whispers in my ear and Hutch moves to my side.

He presses his lips to my head and cradles my face in his hands, forcing me to look up at him. “Red. Would we let anything happen to you?” I shake my head no, but his eyes flash. “Words, Red.”

“No, you guys wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

“Exactly. I know you’re scared, but we are here. We won’t leave your side, okay? Be brave for us and we can steal some of James’s chocolate cake and hide in your room for the rest of the night. That is, if you want to. You never know, you might actually like them.” He gives me a crooked smile and gently kisses my lips.
