Page 121 of The Wrong Proposal

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“If it’s what you want?” I ask.

Penny’s gaze scares me. I sense the cogs turning behind her eyes. I don’t blame her for being cautious.

“When the time comes, and you want me to remodel a new home, we can discuss—”

I kiss her before she finishes.

Slowly, I sense the tension leave her shoulders before she pulls away again. “Franklin. I’m tired. Can we finish talking in the morning?”

* * *

Before my alarm sounds,I silence it.

If I move, I’ll disturb Penny, and right now, there is no better sight than watching her sleep. She’s curled into a ball, her face mere inches from mine. Her warm breath tickles my cheek. Long, dark hair splays out over the pillowcase. It’s as close to heaven as I’ve been in a month.

Last night, I promised her we’d chat. We spoke about her work and then about my friend, Damien, until she fell asleep in my arms. An invite to Hugh’s wedding should be in my inbox since she asked him to send it last night. Unless it had to do with PetroDepend, Bill has sifted through emails unrelated to the mess in New York.

Minutes pass, maybe hours.

Time is irrelevant with Penny.

Peace surrounds me in a way I haven’t felt for months. My heart is calm. My thoughts are about her, and there is no better distraction.

Dark lashes flicker, her eyes open, and a few seconds later, she smiles. “Morning, Franklin.”

“Go back to sleep,” I whisper. “It’s only five o’clock in LA.”

“Which means it’s eight here.” She pushes up onto one elbow. “Don’t you have to be somewhere?”

“Right here with you.” I kiss her cheek. “Now sleep.”

“You’re busy, and I don’t want to get in the way of your work.”

A smirk creeps across my lips. “Not today,” I say firmly. “So where do you want to go today?”

She falls back onto the pillows and rolls into my arms. “Can we stay here a bit?” Her eyes search mine. “In bed?”

She doesn’t have to ask twice.

I gently kiss her lips.

“Uh-huh…” Penny moans. “I’m happy not to leave for the entire weekend.”

“Fine by me.” My fingertips make a trail up her arm to her breast. I caress each breast from her nipples to taking her mounds in my hand.

Penny groans.

My hand lowers to her panties, lifting the elastic edge, then I hesitate when her hand covers mine.

“No, Franklin.”

Did I misread Penny?

She takes my face in her hands and guides my lips to hers. “I need you.Now.”

“Are you ready?” This time, she allows my fingers to find her opening. She’s not lying. “Were you dreaming about us having sex?” She smiles up at me with desire written on her face, but something has changed for me.

I want to feel all of her.
