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“Rami!Come!Food and coffee are ready.”

Nana’s lightly accented voice rang out from her first-floor apartment in the two-family brownstone where Rami was born.Generation after generation of the Llewellyn family had lived there for almost a hundred years.


The woman was relentless.But still, her voice was welcomed.It travelled all the way up the hall stairs to the dark bedroom where Rami had been sleeping for only three hours.

He opened one bloodshot eye and looked at the old-fashioned alarm clock that sat on his nightstand.It was one of three he owned, scattered throughout his apartment on account of his smart phone acting more like a smart-ass phone.

The damn thing only worked when it felt like it, but Rami’s profession demanded punctuality.Why buy a cell phone for a thousand bucks if the hunk of junk couldn’t even get the alarm right?

Fucking technology.

It was only eight AM.He hadn’t even made it to bed till five.But he had a meeting with his captain at ten-thirty.Sighing loudly, he rolled over and tossed the covers back.Then Rami hauled his ass out of bed.

Shower, brush teeth, get dressed, coffee, and food.Every day and in that order.He was a stickler for routine.Shirt, pants, and jacket were already pressed and hanging up on the door to his closet.Rami checked to make sure his sterling silver cuff links, in the shape of actual cuffs, were in the dish on his nightstand.

Yep.He ran his fingertips over them and headed for the bathroom.They were passed down to Rami from his father, and he wore them every single day.Sort of a good luck charm to ward against evil and protect him on the job.That was what Nana said, anyway.

Some scoffed at his compliance in wearing them, but they could go hang for all he cared.Superstition had its place in society.Even Shifter society.After all, he turned into a thousand-pound cat at the blink of an eye.Who was he to judge if the older woman wanted to believe a little tidbit of silver could save him?He’d had plenty of close calls over the years to give some weight to her theory.

Grrr, his Lion growled deep and low inside his chest.The beast wanted some more downtime, but alas, Rami had none left for him.He closed his eyes, picturing the enormous dark-maned Lion in the metaphysical plane where he rested until Rami would once again wear his fur.

The gigantic animal flexed his claws and chuffed noisily inside his mind’s eye.It was unnatural for any feline to get less than twelve hours of sleep per diem, but tell that to a cop.He had no such luxury.

Sigh.Not that he was complaining about his job.Rami loved being a cop.It was his destiny.Hell, some even joked about him having blue blood throughout.Most cop families were like that.The snarky comments and jests rolled off him like water off a duck’s back.

His Pride ran the 135thprecinct.The Primus, that was Alpha for Lions, was even their captain.Not much else for a Lion to do in NYC.Crowded and bustling with normals, the city was an odd choice for a group of Shifters, but Lions weren’t the only ones out there.

Wolves, Tigers, Bears, and more subspecies of Shifter existed in the Big Apple.Hell, they thrived despite the lack of woods and places to run.To each his own, and every group certainly found ways to let their animal sides out without drawing attention.

But it was the Lions who patrolled the streets.Keeping the Shifter secret, protecting society as a whole with special attention to any supernatural occurrences, was their job.They reported any changes back to headquarters, to Captain Luani, who in turn reported to the Shifter Council of New York City, or theSCNYC.

Every group and organization had a leader with a seat on the SCNYC, and they all worked together.Like cogs in a wheel.They turned together to keep everything moving and heading towards the betterment of all.

Except, of course, for those who were only out for themselves.Yes, it did happen.Unfortunately, criminals existed in the supernatural world.Fortunately for Rami and his Lion, he got to hunt them.

Having a thousand-pound alter ego who loved to run, stalk, and pursue prey was daunting in a city.But being a cop provided him with the perfect outlet.And his Lion sure loved the chase.

Humming to himself, Rami jumped in the scorching hot shower.Unwrapping a new bar of Ivory soap, he scrubbed his skin till it was all clean and fresh.Rami liked to set himself up for maximum comfort.After all, it was going to be a long day.Always was.

“Rami!”Nana yelled again as he shrugged on his freshly laundered, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with the thin blue stripe that went so well with his navy-blue suit.

Tailor-cut for his wide shoulders, trim waist, and tall frame, Rami spared time for a single glance in the mirror.He already knew it fit him to perfection.As a detective sergeant on the force, he dressed to fit his status and profession.He just had to add his cuff links and grab a comb, and he was done.

A rare dark-maned Lion, Rami took pride in his appearance.His mane was truly something else.Thick and wavy in his human skin, it was gloriously shiny and long while in his tawny fur.His supernaturally enhanced metabolism took the credit for his muscular physique, but the hair.That was all him.

Maintaining that level of shine and bounce-ability in his dark waves took effort.He used only the best products.Organic shampoos and conditioners, and of course, nothing that was tested on animals.

No, it wasn’t a sissy thing, fuck you very much.

Male Lion Shifters could be a tad sensitive when it came to their manes.Especially when said male was balding.Like his captain was at present.

Hmm.Maybe Nana bought some of those awesome cornetti home after church?I could snag one for the boss.

“Good morning, Nana,” Rami said, walking into his grandmother’s kitchen, and dropping a kiss on the cherished matron’s cheek.
