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“Noemi?It’s me.”

It was him.That deep rumbly voice of his was entirely unique.A blend of his Arabic descent and New York upbringing, she would kill to hear him say something in his family’s native tongue.Okay, so she was a sucker for languages.So what?One thing for sure, she would never mistake the detective for another man.

“Detective Llewellyn, I’ve been waiting for your call,” she replied.

No point in beating about the bush.She was happy to hear from him and wanted him to know.One thing Noemi had not liked about living back home and dating men like Peter was the way they always said one thing and meant another.

“You have?”


“Oh, uh, that’s nice,” he mumbled, and she could almost see his blush, “I wanted to let you know the damage to the bakery has been repaired.I also called Terrie, and had her come in.She is at the store now.I remembered you said there were two orders that had to be picked up-”

“Wow, really?How did you get her to come in?”

“She’s the kid sister of one of my Prid-, I mean, my co-workers,” he explained.

“I see,” she sat down, twirling her hair around one finger like back when she was a teenager, she thought and dropped her hand, “Thank you so much.I guess I should go in then and finish what I was doing.”

“Sure, if you think you should.I’ll be there in a few minutes to drive you.”

“Are you sure you have the time?”

“Yes,” his voice got even deeper, “I am positive.”


Rami held the door open for the delectable little pastry chef, noting the way she smiled approvingly at the old timey gesture.Not many modern New York women appreciated it when he did things like that, but it was in his blood.

Part of the Llewellyn family tradition of good manners and old-world courtesy.Most Shifters he knew behaved the same with females.Rare in this modern world, but to him and folks like him, females were meant to be protected and cherished.

The fact she’d been attacked by Wolves made his Lion tremble with rage.Those Mutts better hope he did not find them before the rest of his precinct did.He wasn’t sure he could keep his claws to himself if he got to the punks first.

“I appreciate the attention,” she turned to face him.

“My pleasure.Please, let me walk you through the back room just to check it out,” he said, waiting for her to lead the way before nodding to Terrie.

The young Lioness had given him only the slightest attitude, which he’d soon corrected with one well-placed snarl.Dominance was everything in a Pride or Pack, and she was simply a young woman testing the waters.

But where Noemi Donato was concerned, Rami would settle for nothing less than absolute obedience.No, he was not the Primus, but he was high ranking, and his reputation for being fair and just preceded him.

If Wolves were behind this attack, and the distinct scent of lupine urine and other markers they’d so carelessly left behind supported that theory, then Rami had cause to be concerned.The human female was beautiful and feisty, but her wit and charm would not save her in the face of two hardened criminals with the power of their Wolves behind them.

“Hi Terrie,” Noemi said with a bright smile for the young woman, who had brains enough to look embarrassed, “I am so sorry your vacation got cut short.”

“No, my bad, I, uh, wasn’t supposed to take my vacation till next month.I, uh, got mixed up,” she explained half-heartedly, her eyes carefully averted.

The Lioness knew better than to test his temper.She’d apologized, and took her instructions from both him, her brother Timothy, and their Primus, Captain Luani.The fact the victim of a supernatural attack was human was cause for alarm.

The Shifter Council of NYC would have to be notified.Reports would get made, and if the female in question caught a whiff of their world, well, she would have to be dealt with.


His Lion objected to even the possibility of anyone coming to deal with Noemi.There was just something about her.Her smile, her big blue eyes, that delicious accent, all those curves, and the fact she smelled sweeter than his favorite candy was driving him bananas.Even now, as she walked to the bakery’s kitchen, backside swaying with each step in her cushioned Crocs, Rami couldn’t help but undress her with his eyes.

His own slacks were cut a little too tight in his opinion.He’d have to tell Manuel, his tailor, the next time he ordered some suits.Shit.On second thought, he better not.The old fucker would know just what his trouble was, and he was not in the mood to be ribbed by anyone.

“Looks good to me,” Noemi’s sweet, accented voice tickled his ears.
