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“What choice have you left me?”

“None.I told you when I want a message sent.I want it clear, Petrov.”

“Fine.Tell me what to do but give me Alina first.”

“That is amusing, you think you have right to make demands,” the Tiger chuckled.“No.You don’t make demands of me,skatina.I have your sister, and next I take the little Lioness whore.”

“What did you say?”

“Enough with this piss contest.You take phone and go.The instructions will be forthcoming.”

His Tiger was chomping at the bit, but without any other choice, Konstantin picked up the damn phone and walked out of the ugly, wall to wall marble and gilt house.He’d never seen anything uglier.

“Suka blyat, idi nahu,” the same guard as before snarled as he walked past.

In other words,go fuck yourself.Konstantin responded to that by punching the fucker right in the face, breaking at least three teeth.That was gratifying, but only for a moment.He walked away from the man yowling in pain and followed Eduardo to the waiting car.

Shit.They have Alina.

His beautiful, innocent baby sister.Konstantin wanted nothing more than to walk away from Ivanovich, scoop up Yasmin and Michael, Aunt Lisa too, and take them somewhere safe until the bratva got bored or caught and left.But he had no choice.He had to find his sister before they did to her what they’d done to his father.The thought was unacceptable.

“We need a plan,” Eduardo said as they got in the limo.

“Yes,” Konstantin said.“I have to do what he says.Wait, I think a text is coming through.”

It was.The text message was in terrible broken English with enough Russian mixed in to throw even Konstantin off.After he translated it, he saw it was a bank name followed by an encrypted sheet with account numbers and transfer amounts.

“They want me to run twenty million dollars through my accounts in three days’ time.”

“That’s too much to clean at once, boss.”

“I know.Motherfucker,” Konstantin snarled and unleashed his claws, tearing into the leather seat beside him.“Fuck!”

“Fuck,” Eduardo growled as the limo pulled to a stop and four cop cars surrounded them.

“Call that customer.The one who is always trying to get me to join their Pride.Jensen!That is the name of the Tiger Pride and their law firm.Yes, call Jensen—and Eduardo,” Konstantin said, making sure the man caught his eye even as he was being hauled out of the limo.“Get Yasmin to safety.Yasmin, Mikey, and her aunt.Do that for me.Do not wait.I want it done now!”

Eduardo nodded, and he knew it would be done.Anger and rage surged through Konstantin at the impotence he felt cuffed to a table in an interrogation room.The 135thPrecinct was Shifter run, the Luani Pride Primus, that was Lion for Alpha, was chief.Konstantin was fingerprinted, and his rights had been read, but he refused to speak.

Whatever the fuck was going on now, it was too late to deal with alone.He only hoped the Jensen Pride sent one of their best.He was going to need it.His Tiger chuffed and snarled, not at all happy that he was unable to get near his mate.

He should have marked her when he had the chance.The beast was more than angry that he’d waited.But all the growling and snarling wasn’t helping.It would not get him back to her any quicker.

“Konstantin Petrov?”a male Lion asked, taking a seat in front of him.

The Tiger merely watched him.He was dressed in plain clothes.A detective then, Konstantin surmised.He carried the scent of a female which meant he was mated.Not to a Shifter, though.The scent was different.Definitely a supernatural, but nothing Konstantin had ever come across.

“Do you know why you were arrested, Mr.Petrov?”

“From the way you are asking, detective,” he said, noting the Lion’s surprise.“I would say you don’t know why I am here either.”

“The pending charges are money laundering and smuggling.”

“I see.Well, my lawyer is on his way, detective.Thank you for the information.”Konstantin exhaled.

“Okay, Mr.Petrov.You will be taken to a holding cell to wait for the arrival of your attorney.We will call you when that is,” Detective Llewellyn replied and stood to leave.

Konstantin was silent during his move to the cell.Jail sucked all around, but a Shifter jail was even worse.The bars were made of magicked titanium that would cause severe burns and permanent damage if the prisoner tried to break them.
