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Yasmin approached him, and he held out his arms to her.The she-Cat fit right there, in his embrace, and her ready acceptance filled him with such joy, he couldn’t describe it.

“There’s a lot to be done here, but I’m going to take your mother back to the house with Aunt Lisa and Mikey.Then I’ll come back.Eduardo arranged for both car and driver.Alright?”

“Yes, alright,” he replied.How could he say otherwise?This woman had saved him in more ways than one, and she was more incredible than he could have ever imagined.

“You will be safe, won’t you Konstantin?You will come back to me in one piece?”

“Always,moya lyiveetsa.”

* * *

Later that night…

Konstantin received a text from Yasmin that she had his mother back at his house with Michael and Aunt Lisa, and he replied with a thumbs up.He fucking hated that emoji, but she would understand.He could not afford to be distracted.

Night had fallen, and even in Long Island the humidity was almost unbearable.The old warehouse was rank with the smells of a bygone era of industrial oils and grease.Time had seen the building itself crumble and fall to disrepair.Rats and vermin lived there now.Including the two legged kind.

“We hear the Primus of the Polaski Pride was the one who smuggled Ivanovich in.It seems your run in with his son did not endear you to the old bastard.”

“Fuck him and his sissy son,” Konstantin snarled.

He’d pay that sonovabitch back for the trespass later.Polaski was not his concern at the moment.He looked down at the monitor from the security feed they’d tapped into and saw his sister Alina slumped over in a chair.She’d been either drugged or bewitched, he was not sure and couldn’t tell from here.

It didn’t matter.He was going to bring her home, safe and sound.Eduardo was trembling with rage, and since the man had only ever seen photos of his sister, Konstantin did not know why he was taking this so personally.Until it hit him.


It was rare, but not impossible for a Shifter to determine his or her mate from sight alone.Of course, once he scented her, all bet’s were off.He was not sure how he felt about his baby sister having a mate, but knowing how he felt about his own, Konstantin decided to leave the decision to her.Right then, he had one goal.To rescue her.

“Is everyone in position?”he asked.

Eduardo nodded, and that was all the reassurance he needed.Konstantin gave the signal, and his small band of men and women began what would be their rescue mission.

They were made up of different species of Shifter.Cats, Wolves, Bears, and Rhino among them, but they all had one thing in common.They’d been jobless, friendless, and hopeless when they’d come to him, and it was Konstantin who’d given them a chance.

He knew what it was like to be desperate.So, he’d hired them at one time or other for various small jobs he’d done before hitting the big time.They’d stuck with him too, even when he offered them freedom.That kind of loyalty could not be bought.His team worked for him in permanent positions atThe Stripe Club.

But it was more than that, he realized just then.He was no rogue.Konstantin had his own Pride, and no they were not all felines.But he would not change them for anyone else.These Shifters were the toughest, most lethal, loyal, and just he had ever met.By far, they were the best people he knew.So yeah, he trusted them with his sister’s life.

“I got this one,” Eduardo growled, shifting into his nearly one ton Grizzly Bear and charging at the motherfucker with the rifle who’d tossed Alina in the cell earlier.

Konstantin took a second to watch the Bear make quick work of the guard, then Eduardo’s beast busted in the door, blowing it right off its hinges.He’d been careful to aim for the side opposite where they knew Alina had been tied to a chair.She stirred at the noise, but the drug they’d given her was too strong.

Konstantin snarled, then moved to get her free from her bonds.Easier said than done since they too were reinforced with some kind of spell.The ropes burned at his palms, and he growled at the effort it was taking to free her.Then the Bear nudged him aside and used his massive claws to swipe through them, ignoring the sizzling pain that came from the contact.

Eduardo growled at the next bratva foot soldier who came rushing into the room.He tore the fucker in half while Konstantin lifted his sister in his arms.

“We got her.Finish it,” he ordered, and took off, the Grizzly hot on his heels.

In under ten minutes, his entire crew was inside the nondescript black van they’d arrived in, and the sounds of an explosion could be heard in the distance.They were all panting and sucking in air.Eduardo moved next to him, having shrugged on a pair of sweats.

“Is she---”

The man was so emotional he could not get the rest of his words out, and Konstantin closed his eyes briefly.Shit.He would need to make sure the Bear knew the consequences if he stepped out of line.Their eyes met and held, and he realized he did not have to say a thing.Eduardo would risk his life for Alina.It was what mates did.

“She’ll be okay.Make sure a doctor is waiting for us at the house,” he said aloud, knowing someone would follow up on that order.

The drive was longer than he hoped, but he was profoundly glad that he’d opted to rendezvous at the home where Yasmin was waiting.After reuniting his sister with his mother, the older Russian woman asked what the Grizzly was doing setting up camp inside Alina’s room.So Konstantin told her.
