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The female reached behind the counter, giving Rami a tantalizing view of her backside that, even in her loose-fitting chef’s pants, was sensuously outlined.She turned back towards him with a plate full of bite-sized, powder-sugared goodness.

“Do you believe in love at first bite?”

Fuck yeah, his Lion growled.

“I’m sorry?”

“Try one of these, and you will,” she winked, and held out the miniaturecornetti.

The Italian version of a croissant was one of Rami’s favorites.He was not about to refuse.And if she worked for Mr.D’Angelo then these were going to be great.He bit into one, still warm from the oven, and moaned appreciatively.

Flaky, buttery, and holy fuck, was that a raspberry-lemon filling inside?

“Mmm,” he grunted, “That’s fantastic.”

“Thanks.I plan on introducing a new flavor every weekday, along with traditional of course.”

“Really?What’s Mr.D’Angelo say about that?The old man hates change.”

“Well, he must be ready for it since I’m here,” she laughed.

“How do you mean?”

“While he’s out looking at houses down south to retire, I am working here with an option to buy.”

“Really?You a relative?”

“Actually, no.I saw his ad at my local culinary school,” she wagged her finger, “All these questions, you must be the detective grandson of that nice Mrs.Llewellyn who comes in for a loaf of bread every day,” the baker smiled.

“I am, and you are?”

“My name is Noemi.Noemi Donato.”

“So,” he quirked his lips, as things suddenly made sense, “you know my Nana?”

“Yes,” she laughed again, and fuck if it didn’t sound like tiny silver bells ringing in the air, “She is quite the lady.So kind and welcoming, and she sings your praises too.”

“I bet,” he murmured.

Yep, it all makes sense now.Why his Nana hadn’t gone out to get him his usual that morning.And why she’d insisted he come to this bakery himself.

“What pastries would you like?”Noemi pulled out one large white box and waited for him to order.

She licked her bottom lip.A tiny movement that seemed unconscious, but still hypnotic, nonetheless.It was enough to make him completely forget what he was going to say.Shit.

“Uh, yeah.Can I get two boxes, please?One with a dozen of assortedcornetti, and another with some of those donuts, and a couple of pieces of crumb cake.”

“Coming right up, detective,” she winked, and Rami felt as if the whole world just tipped on its axis.


Rami spent the rest of the day in a sort of fog as he mulled over the mystery that was Noemi Donato.She was beautiful,human, and not from around here.South Carolina was his best guess, if her sweet Southern twang was anything to go by.

Hell, he didn’t know Mr.D’Angelo was away on vacation.After some inquiries, he’d learned she was telling the truth.The elderly baker was looking to retire, and Noemi Donato was looking to move in.Could be a nice addition to the neighborhood.Very nice, indeed.


Every time he thought of the curvy, sweet as pudding female, his Lion got all growly and antsy.For some reason, the silly feline wanted him to go back to the bakery.To check on her,or hell, maybe just to see her.Yeah, the enormous cat could so get behind sitting guard at her feet.
