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The fuck?He had no time for this nonsense.He wasn’t some unlicked cub, for fuck’s sake.He’d been there done that already.Rami was all about the job now, as evidenced by the stack of files on his desk.

“Llewellyn!Get your pansy ass in here,” bellowed Alfredo Luani, the current Primus of the Luani Pride and the captain of the 135thPrecinct.

“Yes, boss,” he answered in his normal voice knowing full-well the man heard him quite clearly.

The poor guy was having fits with all the trouble brewing amongst the Wolves within city limits.Goddamn furry fuckers knew better than to have their dominance challenges and territorial disputes spill over into human society.But it was even bigger than all that.Rami was one of the leading detectives trying to find the connection between the recent rush of B&Es and rumors of a Wolf-run gambling ring that was putting more Shifters in the hospital than the Giants tossed interceptions during all of preseason.

Big Blue all the way.Sucky record and all.That team was breaking his heart, but he wasn’t stupid enough to let them break his bank account.Poor sorry suckers risked their savings and paychecks betting against odds and wound-up needing surgery or worse.

It was a serious fucking problem, and Captain Luani had enough.Ready to have his ass handed to him by the Primus, Rami grabbed the box of pastries from his desk and, with a big smile, walked into the office of the most powerful Lion Shifter in all NYC.

“You got something in your ears?I called you three minutes ago,” snarled the man.

“For you, captain,” he said, depositing the box on the man’s pristine desk.

Just like magic, he thought and watched as the older man inhaled, and his anger dissolved.He tore the box open, biting into a huge, glazed donut, and polishing it off with his second chomp.The man had huge teeth, even in his skin.There, one happy beast, now maybe Rami’s ass was safe from a thorough chewing out session.

Only one person I want nibbling my ass.FFS.He couldn’t do this all day.Every time one of his thoughts got remotely physical, he was back to thinking of her.Noemi Donato.

“That was better than usual, Llewellyn.Where are you with the investigation in the Wolf Pack, Llewellyn?I have been on the phone with our liaison to the mayor’s office all damn morning.The fuckers are getting out of hand.They’re defacing property.Putting harmless bookies out of business.Running illegal games.”

“We on the bookies’ side now, cap?”

“Fuck yeah, we are,” grumbled the man while biting into his second glazed donut.

How the fuck?The gooey delicious pastry was the size of his head.Pretty fucking big.And yet he was downing the things like chips.

“Those guys we know, we trust,” grumbled the man around bites of fried dough, “Wolves areoutta fwucking cwontwol.”

“Uh, yeah, I know, cap,” Rami raised one eyebrow, holding onto his mirth lest he be on the wrong side of his fearless leader, “Don’t worry.I have a plan to get us the warrants we need.”

“Well, get movin’ then.We need evidence to get that warrant.Bout time we set up some round the clock surveillance on those assholes.”

“Yes, sir.What about the burglaries?”Rami said noting the memo sitting at the top of the Primus’ inbox.

“What?”Luani replied, finishing the donut in three bites.

“There have been a series of break-ins and commercial property bust-ups.Nothing of real value taken, but the stores were burglarized.”

“Yeah, so.It’s connected, detective.Go detect.”


“I said the cases are entwined.Look here, Wolf hair was found at the last robbery.”

“Fuck,” Rami cursed.

“What the fuck are you waiting for?Go get those bastards,” Luani bellowed.

“Yes, captain,” Rami nodded, leaving the office, and headed back to his desk.

A couple of hours, and three dozen phone calls later, Rami still had nothing.He growled and stood up, stretching his long-limbed body.He needed to get out and get some fresh air.

The 135thPrecinct was always busy.Tonight, was Friday, and that meant it was twice as packed.Crooks and cops filled every inch of floor space.It was impossible to move about.

Almost every cop there was a member of the Pride, though they did have the odd Tiger, Bear, Coyote, and even a Gator Shifter who’d moved to New York from Florida after his bitter divorce.No kids.Thank fuck.

Rami side-stepped through a crowd of Bull Shifters from the local BBMCNY, that was the local charter of theBadass Bovine Motorcycle Club, who’d busted up a bar the night before.The guys were all grins this morning despite the busted lips, black eyes, and few broken bones.
