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“Yes, Alpha,” Eddie had replied.

Truth was, he hadn’t planned on it, anyway.Shit.He could not believe he was on the brink of losing her again.Guilt, anger, fear gripped him as he scouted out the area.

What kind of man was he?Denying his feelings.Refusing to stake his claim.Why?For what?When he could have been keeping her safe and protected this whole time!This was his fucking fault, and Eddie was going to make it right.

If they survived this—no—when they survived this, Eduardo was going to beg the Tigress for another chance.He would not waste another fucking minute doubting himself or her.Alina said she loved him, and he knew he fucking loved her.It was about time he trusted her, too.Fuck the second-guessing and wondering if she could do better.

Why should he bother with all that mess when he could spend all of his time loving Alina?It was a much worthier endeavor, in his not so humble opinion.She was everything he had ever wanted in a woman.Strong, beautiful, smart, and so damn sweet.Her orange cinnamon scent drove him crazy, and when she danced, fuck, when she danced, she was like an angel on earth.

Eddie was not good with words.He did not know a lot about the arts.But he knew his heart beat for that woman.And he was going to tell her so.He stilled when he caught the barest hint of fur and spice in the air.Orange and cinnamon.


He ran to the nearest entrance.Another sniff, and he followed her scent down the dingy hallway.The place was fucked.Abandoned for who knew how long, the floor was covered in rat droppings, scattered garbage.There were broken cardboard boxes, scattered papers, and other flammable debris littering the halls and rooms.

Finally, he tracked her scent to a door on the ground floor of the warehouse.He stilled, trying to listen for sounds on the other side of the door.Then he heard them.

A struggle.A strike.A whimper.

“Motherfucker,” he roared and his Bear burst out of his skin just as a shot rang out followed by an explosion.


Eduardo’s black gaze met hers before she crumpled to the floor, and the next thing he knew, blind rage took over.Evgeny Ivanovich was holding a gun, pointing it at Eddie.But he was too far gone to care.He charged the male, dodging flames, and taking bullets to his shoulder and leg.The man kept firing, the empty gun clicking and clicking.He dodged Eddie’s claws once, the fire around him growing hotter and more out of control as it fed on the oxygen that came flooding into the room when he’d broken through the door.

“You are too late.She’s miiin?—”

But that was all Evgeny got out before the Bear ripped his head right off his fucking worthless shoulders.Eduardo did not bother looking at the male for one second longer than necessary.He ran for Alina, swapping fur for skin, and sliding to a stop next to her pale form.

“Come on,mi fiera.You’re okay.I got you.Please, please, wake up,” he said, pulling her to him.

Eduardo was oblivious to the fire raging around them.His focus was entirely on the Tigress in his arms.She was pale, and blood had already soaked through her leotard.Eddie mumbled nonsense as tears pricked his eyes.


He was too late.Dammit, why was he too late?He grunted, rocking her back and forth, wiping the hair from her face.He needed her whole, had to get her to safety.The fire raged, the exits cut off, and he snarled as he lifted her despite the wounds in his leg and abdomen.

“Come on,mi fiera.I’m bringing you home.You’re gonna be fine, baby,” he mumbled frantically as he searched for a way to get them out safely.

Suddenly, he heard a noise, like water and shouting, then the wall broke apart.Standing there was a six foot five male in firefighter garb, blue eyes blazing.The man held a water hose, dousing the room and signaling Eddie to run to him.

“Move it or lose it,Teddy,” the stranger growled, and Eddie hustled as another burst of flame exploded behind him, and pain lanced up his back.

“Fucking hell,” the firefighter grumbled, ripping off his mask.

Eddie stumbled, and he could have sworn the man was taking the fire into himself, but then others were helping him outside and he was too caught up in a rush of emotion to worry about the stranger.

Fear, anger, relief, despair.There were firetrucks and ambulances waiting outside, and Eddie barely missed being trampled by a group of huge firefighters, but he did not give a fuck.Alina was still unconscious and bleeding from her wounds.It was hell on him.

“Sir?Place her here, sir, so we can help,” an EMT called out instructions.

He did not want to let her go, but the man was right.They could help her, and he needed that more than anything.Soon, his Alpha was there, and relief flowed through his Bear.The animal side of him trusted his Alpha to do what needed to be done.

“Is she alright?”Konstantin raced up to Eddie as he gently placed Alina on a waiting gurney.

“She’ll be okay,” the Shifter EMT replied when Eddie could not find the words.

Tears pricked his eyes, but they stayed glued to her still form.Fuck.Please, gods,let him have reached her on time.

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