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Marcella and Alina had stepped outside of the club, both in their practice leotards despite the snow covering the ground.Shifters ran hot, so that was hardly a surprise.What was shocking was the man who approached them.

Free as a motherfucking bird, Evgeny Ivanovich, that short, pudgy bastard, strode up to the two females as if he owned the place.His Grizzly bear roared and chuffed inside of him, pawing the ground, the need to hunt and kill that asshole was almost overwhelming.

“He has her,” Eddie growled, his voice no longer human.

“We will get her back,” Konstantin promised, but Eduardo was too far gone to listen to reason.“I have to make some calls.”

“Find her, Kon.For fuck’s sake, find her.”

“We will get her back.I promise,” he growled, running inside to his office.

Eduardo followed him slowly, hardly listening as Konstantin explained to Yasmin and his mother what was going on.Both females whimpered, hugging each other, and calling out to Mikey to stay inside.

Eddie felt helpless.He hated the scents of sorrow and fear.No, he would not mourn Alina.She was not gone.She fucking couldn’t be.

“You will get her back,” Mrs.Petrova said from behind Eddie.

He turned around to face the older version of his mate.That Tigress had been through a lot.The death of a mate, separation from her son, and the kidnapping of her daughter twice now.Her eyes blazed blue, but he saw something in them that humbled him—Confidence.In him.

“Yes, I will,” he vowed.

“Good.Then maybe you will make an honest woman of her after.”

“I messed up, I know.But I do love her, Mrs.Petrova.She is everything to me.It was just, she is so young, and I am not?—”

“You are not what?Listen to me, son, my daughter is Russian Tigress.Age is just a number.She has been working, killing herself for ballet since she is a little girl.Alina knows her mind and her heart, and she has picked you.Do not disrespect her by thinking you know better.Now, go get my daughter.”

“Yes ma’am,” Eduardo replied, accepting the hug the smaller woman offered.

Fuck.She was right.Alina did know her own mind, and here he was making decisions for her, thinking he knew better.Ten years was nothing, especially in the supernatural world.So, what was he doing, wasting time?

“Konstantin?Do you have an address yet?”he asked, joining the other man at his desk.

“I am working on it, brother.”

Energy buzzed in his veins, and Eddie felt his Shift coming on fast.But he needed a direction before he let the Bear out.Needed to be close enough to not fuck anything up.Fuck, he needed to get her back.

Safe.Sound.With me.Mine.

Fifteen minutes later, Eddie was ready to tear someone’s head off.He was so fucking worried.But Konstantin’s connections had finally come through.It seemed the Tiger had contracted a private investigator to follow the Ivanovich boys after they’d been released.

“Ivanovich has her here,” he growled, sending GPS coordinates to Eddie’s phone.“Wait, Eddie!”

But he did not hesitate, not even for a moment.Eduardo raced to his SUV and jumped in, ignoring the snarl coming from Konstantin.Time was of the essence, and every second he let pass with Alina in the clutches of that soon-to-be-dead motherfucker was too fucking long.

Let his Alpha be pissed at him.And yes, he realized not for the first time, the Bear respected Konstantin as his Alpha.But Eddie would deal with that later.Right then, he needed to get to Alina.

Urgency sped him on as he raced to the tiny red dot on the GPS that signaled her whereabouts.Good thing they used a special maps app created by Shifter software geniuses for purposes like this one to get to places faster than the humans, or in some cases the authorities, could manage.

Twenty minutes later, Eduardo pulled up to the warehouse where she was being held.He turned off the vehicle and stepped outside, sniffing the air to catch a scent.

Guess you couldn’t teach old Tigers new tricks, he thought, struck by how eerily similar it was to the place the Ivanovich motherfuckers had held her the first time they had kidnapped her.


All Eddie knew was that motherfucker was not getting another chance at her.While he was driving, Konstantin had called.He’d been tempted not to answer, but the Bear refused to ignore his Alpha.

“Listen,” the Tiger said.“My contacts infiltrated Evgeny’s apartment.They found a room filled with hundreds of surveillance pictures of Alina.That sick fuck has been stalking her ever since he was released.He is obsessed, Eddie.Do not let him out of there alive,” growled the Tiger.
