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“Hey man, my arm,” yelled one young Bull.

“Take it easy, princess,” snarled Lia Duboski, a plain clothes officer, and Lioness.

“Hey yo, Duboski, don’t hurt the little lamb,” snorted Desk Sergeant Amos Calloway.

“Shut up, Trent.You’re making us sound like pussies,” growled one of the bikers at the one who was complaining.

“All in a day’s work,” Lia snarked back.

Normally, Rami would enjoy the byplay, but he’d spent the day hunting down leads for his warrant and came up with zilch.He looked through the stack of mail, checking to see if anything had come in for him, when a call came in over the Desk Sergeant’s radio.His ears perked up as the officer rattled off information.

“What was that address, Amos?”

“You got cotton in your ears, Llewellyn?B&E and aggravated assault over at 62ndand Bath.Ain’t that your neighborhood?”

“Fuck,” Rami snarled.

Pulse racing, he almost tore through his clothes and let the beast out right then and there.His Lion had never felt this enraged before.Barely controlling himself, Rami raced out the door and jumped into his car.

Siren blaring, he hauled his ass across town and back to D’Angelo’s Bakery where the call had come in for the B&E and assault.

Motherfuckers, he thought with an angry growl.The sound so loud, it reverberated in the car for minutes on end.But he was just that fucking mad.More than that.He was incensed.

Rami’s heart was still racing, the beast barely contained, twenty-minutes later when he jumped out of his double-parked car and flashed his badge to officers on the scene.Damn the traffic.It took forever to get there.He grunted, trying to contain his growling as he headed towards the ambulance.

“Bless your heart, but no, thank you.I am fine, I swear.I don’t want to go to any hospital,” the sound of Noemi’s sweet Southern twang penetrated his ears, placating the beast inside him just a smidge.

Still, he needed to see her with his own eyes to assess the damage.Every fiber of his being demanded he go to the female, protect, and care for her as if she were his own.


Shit.He had a job to do, and he couldn’t allow his suddenly possessive feline to dictate how he did it.Rami closed his eyes and counted to three, caging the beast before he walked around the large vehicle where two young EMTs were trying without much success to usher Ms.Donato onto a gurney.

“Miss?You’ve had a head injury,” one of them tried to reason.

The fucker leaned in a little too close, and once more, Rami found he had to tighten the rein on his inner cat.His Lion didn’t care for the way the younger male stepped into her space.Like he was trying to use his forward manner to force her to decide.

Fuck no, he thought and moved.But he didn’t have the chance to do anything.Her shoulders tensed, but she stood her ground.Turning just in time to see him approach.

Noemi’s eyes flashed to his, and Rami noticed relief and the ease of her tension immediately.The Lion chuffed in response.Placated that she recognized she was safe now that he was there.

But the fucker from the ambulance didn’t seem to get the memo.He had about two seconds to move away, Rami thought, before his Lion took over.And that would be very bad for everyone.Shit.He had to do something.

But once more, Noemi saved him.Even if she didn’t know a thing about what he was capable of.She was still a smart cookie, his little pastry chef.She seemed to sense the EMT’s pushy attitude was bothering him, and she stepped back.The added space eased his beast’s rousing anger.

“Listen, I got bigger black and blues playing football with my cousins.Really, I can’t go.I have two special orders to fulfill, and I don’t want to let Mr.D’Angelo down.”

He could see the darkening bruise on her forehead, and it angered him to no end.But knowing she was safe, seeing her warm smile, made up for it.Just.

“Noemi?”he called her name, watching the way her face reacted to his presence.

At first, she seemed anxious, then she relaxed, as if his being near alleviated some of her worry and anxiety.It was a heady feeling being responsible for another person’s happiness, but Rami kinda liked it.Dangerous ground for a confirmed bachelor.

“Rami, I mean, Detective Llewellyn.Thank goodness.Will you please tell these two nice young gentlemen that I am fine?”

“Call me Rami,” he murmured.

“Alright, Rami,” she smiled at him, but he could read her tension in the tightness of her lips.
