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"I'm sorry, what? Sh...She?" he sputters between gasps of laughter.

The humor he finds at my expense grates on my nerves. "Do you want the bliking ship or not?"

Qhix clears his throat and asks in a neutral tone, though I can hear the smile in his voice, "Where are you now?"

"Just exiting the Unur Galaxy."

"Meet me on Yeet in the Denarian Sector," Qhix suggests. "We can strip it of useful technology and leave the rest there."

Smart choice. There are no habitable planets in that sector, only dying solar systems that once thrived millennia ago.

“I'll split the profits from the technology with you, and I’ll also need a ride to Neptus to retrieve my ship I left there."

"Since I'll be giving you and your female companion a ride, a 40/60 split is more to my liking."

I grind my molars knowing the male has the upper hand. In true marauder fashion, Qhix sees an opportunity and takes it. I can't find fault with his demands. I would have done the same.

There's no negotiating if I want his help.

"Fine. I'll see you on Yeet." I end the call with a stab of my finger on the comm.

The anguished groan from the back of the ship sets me on edge.

"Cora!" I yell over my shoulder.

Panic grips me when there's no reply, my sivot roaring to life with worry. I quickly set a course for Yeet and engage the auto pilot, bolting to the galley where I left her. I skid to a halt, frozen in place at what I see before me. Half eaten plates and cups of unfamiliar food and drink are scattered across the length of the counter. Cora lays on the floor, curled into a ball with a hand pressed to her belly.

Fear for another's wellbeing has been lost to memory but comes back in a rush at the sight of my starfire in pain.

Dropping to my knees, I place a gentle hand on her shoulder. She whimpers in response, her body trembling beneath my touch. The ache in the center of my chest is ignored as I act on instinct, carefully brushing the length of her inky hair from her face and ask, "What ails you, starfire?"

"Ate too much," she groans and hiccups. "Gonna be sick."

Without hesitation, I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to the nearest cleanroom. Sweeping her hair from her face, I hold the length in my hand while she heaves into the wall basin. It feels oddly natural to rub circles on her back and mutter soothing words as she empties the contents of her stomach.

* * *


Navik holding my hair while I vomit is more surreal than seeing him morph into his beast. His touch is strangely comforting as he keeps me upright and helps me through this bizarre moment. As I empty my stomach into the basin, his large rubs soothing circles on my back while the other ponytails my hair in a loose grip, all while muttering calming words in my ear.

Once my stomach is empty, Navik helps me rinse my mouth and face before leading me to a bed. I collapse onto the soft sheets, feeling weak and embarrassed. The mattress dips under Navik's immense weight as he sits beside me, placing a cool, wet cloth on the back of my neck.

"You should rest." His deep voice sends warmth through me, calming my unsettled stomach and offering a reprieve from the queasy spinning sensation threatening to overtake me.

I think nothing of it when Navik abruptly leaves. I wouldn't expect anything less from the surly space pirate. He's currently not his sivot, so it doesn't surprise me when he departs without a word.

I let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension slowly leaving my body. My eyes have just started to shut when he suddenly reappears, carrying a small boxy device. He sets the machine on the bedside table and taps the top, bringing it to life. A fine mist billows from a tiny hole on the front of the machine, cooling the air and filling the space with a sweet aroma that reminds me of chamomile.

I pull deeply of the air, letting the calming scent wash over me. With each inhale, my body relaxes further into the mattress until I grow sleepy.

"Better?" Navik's voice is oddly gentle, lacking its usual gruff edge.

"Yes," I say weakly, too embarrassed to meet his gaze.

"I've set a course for Yeet," Navik says, "to meet my brother, Qhix. He's going to fly us to my ship I left on Neptus. Then we can travel to the space port on Etto to purchase a ship capable of flying you to your home planet."
