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"Mordox!" Zoe cries out, her warning comes too late.

The creature hurtles through the air, its massive form crashing into me with a force that sends me toppling to the ground. Instinctively, I curl my body around Zoe, protecting her delicate form as I roll across the forest floor before springing to my feet.

I shed the heavy pack from my back, letting it fall to the ground. Spindly legs extend toward us, their unnatural length and spiny appendages making the creature's intentions clear as its gaping maw snaps a mouthful of serrated teeth.

Monstrous claws snap as the creature lunges, snagging on Zoe's loose garment, ripping a piece from the hem. I push her behind me, using my body as a shield.

"I'll keep it busy, Zoe!" The creature is so close, I can feel its hot breath on my face as I lock eyes with it. "Find a place to hide."

I wait for her small footsteps to scamper away before lunging forward, thrusting my worn-out sword at the creature's abdomen. The dull blade merely glances off its tough hide of shimmering scales.

The points of my horns could penetrate that hide, but I know better than to lead an attack with my head. Those claws could easily decapitate me. The creature snarls, rearing back on hind legs to snap giant claws at me, forcing me back a few steps to avoid being ripped apart.

It's hard to believe this thing with its undulating body and ten, bright green, bulging eyes was once a Ziarian male. A true testament to the lengths the Ziarian government was willing to go create their super warriors.

The creature lunges forward again, and I barely dodge its snapping claws. I can't keep this up for long. My sword is useless against this thing, dull from hacking a path through the forest.

The creature's relentless swipes tear through the air. I sidestep another lethal strike, my pulse quickening as I envision Zoe's delicate face and her radiant smile. Her safety is the force that drives me, adding extra weight to each blow I deliver.

My blade pummels more than cuts, metal clashing against near impenetrable flesh, over and over until the creature stumbles back, weakened by my relentless confrontation.

I wield my blade, slicing and thrusting, until the creature starts to back away. With a final snarl, it turns, a strip of Zoe's garment still stuck on the tip of one claw flashes bright white against an inky body as it disappears into the forest.

"Come on." I turn to where Zoe is hunkering down under a nifit shrub, snatching up the pack. "Let's get out of here before it changes its mind and comes back."

I catch Zoe as she leaps into my arms. Slim arms and shapely legs wrap around me in a tremulous hug, and I take off running faster than I've ever run in my life. Knowing Zoe is in danger, I can easily keep up this pace until we reach the lab.

* * *

The enormous clavatree marking the location of the sunken steps is within reach. I've been sprinting for a full cycle, having reached the lab in record time. Zoe hasn't complained once about us not stopping to eat, drink, or rest. Neither has she loosened her tight hold on me.

Her fear has given her the strength to endure as I race us to safety.

"Mordox!" Zoe's panicked scream ripples across my scales. "Behind you!"

I swing my head around to find a second creature I hadn't scented is there. This one has long pinchers in place of the large front claws the other one had.

"The lab is just through these trees," I say, judging the distance to the clava tree. "We're almost there."

"It's gaining!"

A long pincher sweeps out to brush me off my feet. My momentum sends us flying. I turn in the air, the pack taking the brunt of the fall. I feel a hard crunch and know the supplies stuffed inside have sustained damage.

Zoe rolls off me as we hit the ground, and I push her toward a large tree trunk. "Hide!"

Sword up and at the ready, I put myself between the creature and the tree trunk Zoe hides behind. Ten bulbous eyes glint in the dim light, and I wonder at the male that has become thisthing. Its scaled, segmented body is covered in a slick, oily sheen. Its pinchers twitch, snapping and clacking together in anticipation.

It's bigger than the first one, and its carapace is a deep purple color instead of the inky black. Razor-sharp teeth gnash my way. Its bulbous gaze blazing with an otherworldly fervor.

Impatient for the battle to commence, I lunge first, striking the creature across the face with my blade. It releases an ear-piercing screech, quickly retaliating with a merciless attack of pinchers and teeth. I dodge each blow with a well-timed counterattack, slicing off one of its many arms. That only fuels its rage.

The creature charges me, and I dive to the side, rolling to avoid its deadly swipe. Only I'm not fast enough.

Pinchers catch and rip through my scales, leaving a searing trail of pain along my side. Despite the agony, I fight on. Protecting Zoe is as vital as the breath punching from my lungs.

On a bellowing roar, I move in for the kill, throwing every ounce of strength into a final thrust, driving my blade deep into the creature’s flesh. The creature staggers, its spindly legs giving way beneath the weight of its own demise.

I release a triumphant roar before my own legs give out, and I collapse to the ground with a groan of pain.

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