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Zoe rushes to my side, her voice trembling with fear as she kneels beside me. "Mordox! Are you all right?"

Deep gashes across my chest and abdomen burn like hot coals. "Just a scratch," I utter. "Get the medical cuff." I point to my pack, now torn and crushed.

Zoe drags over the heavy load, digging through the disheveled contents until she pulls free an obviously cracked medical cuff and attempts to secure it around my forearm as I fight for consciousness. Tears stream down her cheeks as she struggles to keep the medical cuff in place.

"Leave me." I tug my arm from her grip. "Go, before the first creature returns."

"I'm not leaving you, Mordox." Zoe tries again to close the cuff around my forearm. "If I can get this thing to close, it'll heal you like it did me."

"No. It's no use." My pain grows unbearable, darkness closes in around me, but I can't let myself slip away just yet. Not until Zoe is safe. "Lab is not far. Go to your friends."

She springs up from the ground. "Don't give up on me Mordox. You’re going to make it. I’ll help you."

"No help, lula. Forget me. Get yourself someplace safe."

"That's crazy talk, Mordox. No way am I leaving you here." Zoe frantically looks around, grabs my wrists, and tries to drag me. She can't budge me even an inch. "I'll help you stand. You can lean on me, and we'll reach the lab together."

Zoe needs to be with her friends and not left alone in the forest. Even with what little I know about her, I know she has a stubborn streak that won't be dissuaded. I force myself to my feet, swaying from the force of my injuries.

She ducks under my arm, draping it across her shoulders as we take a wobbly step in the direction of the sunken steps, but I don't lean on her as she wants, knowing my considerable weight will crush her. I push through my wavy vision, keeping my eye on the clava tree, the natural landmark for the lab.

My horns droop and my tail drags the ground behind me. I'm done, my energy spent, but for her sake, I will try and get close enough to see the sunken steps before I collapse. I must or risk losing consciousness and leaving her on her own.

I stumble on shaky legs but trudge onward. Pain radiates from my wounds, each step a struggle against the darkness that threatens to take me.

We reach the clava tree and I spot the sunken steps in the distance.

"You're almost there." I give her a little shove in the direction of safety just as my legs give out and I collapse onto the ground, my lungs heaving for air.

Zoe reaches for me, her soft hand cradling my face as she peers down at me, concern and fear clouding her gentle stare. Pain claws at my body as I try to rise and fail. It's no use, and I collapse back on the ground.

"Go," I croak.

"Stay here." Zoe stands and clucks her tongue. "That was a stupid thing to say. Just stay awake, Mordox. I'll be right back with help."

Tris returns as Zoe runs off toward the sunken steps, my plurshy companion sniffing at the blood coating my chest and abdomen. She huddles close, her little body vibrating out her comforting song.

If Tris is here, that means the danger has passed. She is smart enough to hide in the forest's canopy whenever those creatures are near. So I shut my eyes and give myself over to the darkness.



I raceto the sunken steps in a panic and skid to a halt. A small spacecraft is parked off to one side. Weird panels have been erected from the top as if to catch the sunlight. This is as good a sign as any they're here.

Practically leaping down the steps, I duck through the giant hole ripped out of the double doors only to run into a locked door with no handle or knob. My heart thuds inside my chest as I meet the barrier, knowing Mordox desperately needs help. The vibrancy of his turquoise scales has begun to fade to a ghastly white, making the severity of his condition crystal clear.

Fear shoots through me knowing his life hangs in the balance, and without the use of a medical cuff, there is a chance he could slip away.

He might have stolen me away from my friends, but he'd brought me back after healing me and keeping me safe. It's my turn to return the favor.

"Darcy!" I yell, frantically pounding the cold metal with both fists. "Romy! Tasha! Drax! Is anyone here?"

I press my ear to the door, straining to hear any signs of life beyond the barrier, but I'm met with only silence, my heavy breaths echoing unnaturally in the void.

Despite the ship's presence, the stillness is so profound, I worry we came all this way for nothing. What if Mordox is right about the unaccounted for miners? What if they were made into creatures and are still inside the lab? What if Drax and the girls ran into them and they fled, or what if the creatures killed everyone?"

"Hello?" I pound harder against my rampant thoughts, my fist turning an angry red.
