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"Tris is native to Zune, lula," I say the words even though I'm gutted I will never see Tris again. "Maybe it's for the best she stay here."

"How can you say that? You raised her from a baby," Zoe wails.

"Maybe she knows we're leaving and wants to stay here in the trees. Zune is Tris's home, Zoe." I can't decide if I'm trying to convince Zoe or myself. "Maybe it's for the best."

The males sit in solemn silence, offering mournful gazes, while the females utter soft words of consolation to my weeping mate.

"The scanners are set to search for the lab creatures," Drax quietly announces. "We've combined three stunners into one. The electric charge should stop the heart of anything it hits."

"With any luck," Bruke adds.

"Then let's go find those creatures," I say through the crushing weight of loss pressing against my heart. "We need to make Zune safe from the mess the Ziarian government left behind."



My chin quiversas I try hard to be brave. Mordox is right. Tris is native to Zune. This weird moon is her home, and who am I to take her away from it? I imagine she would feel lost, the same as I did when I was snatched away from my first foster home. Even though my heart will miss her forever, I don't want her to feel like I did.

Still, my hope-filled heart keeps my eyes glued out the little window for any sign that Tris might be following us. It's absurd to think she could move through the trees as fast as the shuttle is flying, but I can't stop myself from searching for a glimpse of her.

"If you love something, set it free," I quietly murmur.

Mordox stirs, whispering against my hair, "What was that?"

"Just mumbling to myself, hoping Tris stays safe out there on her own."

"Tris is smart, she'll be fine." Mordox tightens his hold where I'm cradled on his lap. His fingers stroke my hair as he presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. The loss of Tris is still heavy in the air, but Mordox's sweet gesture brings me some solace.

"There's one!" I jump at Bruke's shout as we near the dark side of Zune. "See it on the scanner? It's just up ahead, Rooke."

"Give me the stunner, Drax." Slye moves to the hatch and thrusts out his hand, his azure gaze burning with resolve.

Mordox springs into action, lifting me off his lap and setting me on the seat. He gives me a quick kiss and moves in to help, securing the rope around Slye's waist as he opens the hatch.

"I've got you, Slye." With the rope still tied to the shuttle's frame, Mordox wraps the slack around his forearm and braces himself to hold onto Slye as he leans out of the shuttle's hatch to search for the creature below.

"I see it!" Slye points. "Take us lower, Rooke."

The shuttle rapidly descends. With Mordox and Slye out of their seats, Tasha scoots closer to me. She gives me a tight smile as we clasp hands. I cling to the edge of my seat with the other, my knuckles white with my grip.

The shuttle drops closer to the ground. Slye stretches out his arm, holding tightly to the modified stunner, and takes aim. The electric blast looks like a web of lightning radiating out from Slye's weapon. The sheer intensity of it crackles the air.

The creature cries out with a wild howl, thrown back by the force of the blast. The shuttle quickly pulls up, and we watch as the insect-like creature falls to the ground.

It twitches, limbs jerking as its body lays still. I hold my breath, hoping Slye killed it. That the stunner Drax and Bruke modified is going to work to eradicate the dangerous lab creatures loose in the forest for Tris's sake.

Mordox pulls up on the rope, hauling Slye back inside the shuttle. We all remain still for a few moments, our breaths held tightly until Drax finally announces, "It worked! The creature is dead."

"How can you be sure, techy?" Rooke glances back from his place at the helm.

"The creatures vitals flat-lined on the scanner. See!" Drax reaches over the seat to show Rooke the tablet device he holds in his hands.

We all release a collective breath before erupting into cheers of celebration. Our revelry is short-lived. There are two insect things left out there to hunt down and kill, plus the creature that recently tore its way out of the lab.

Slye and Mordox remain at the hatch, waiting for the next creature sighting as Bruke and Drax keep their eyes glued to the scanners they hold in their hands. Rooke flies us deeper into the dark side where the creatures are suspected to live.

From one second to the next, day turns to night. Where the relenting sun once blazed a bright orange is now an inky expanse of velvety black, the darkness enveloping us until only a sliver of light remains on the horizon. Stars twinkle like a zillion diamonds scattered across the sky.
