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Tasha leans in close, her hand still clasping mine. "That was some crazy shit," she whispers, her voice husky with excitement.

I nod, my heart still racing from the adrenaline rush. "Yes, it was." I glance over at Mordox, who sits stoically at the hatch, his eyes scanning the forest below through one of the small, round windows dotting the sides of the shuttle.

He's every inch a fierce warrior. We may be two very different people, from completely different words, but it doesn't matter that he has horns and a tail, or even fangs and claws. I'm drawn to him in an inexplicable way that quickens my pulse and sets my blood on fire.

It's more than just physical attraction. There's an undeniable connection between us, a bond that's been growing stronger with every passing moment. He's my rock, my tether in a lifetime lived with uncertainty. The one person I know who I trust will never abandon me. It feels like a betrayal of my friendships with the girls, especially Darcy, but I can't help how I feel.

Darcy glances over her shoulder at me from her seat up front with Rooke as if she knows my thoughts. A wave of guilt washes over me. Without any thought for her own safety, she had chased after me when Mordox stole me away. I never thanked her for that.

"My scanner’s picking up two more creatures," Drax shouts.

Mordox and Slye exchange a quick glance before rushing to open the hatch. Weapon at the ready, Slye leans out of the craft as Mordox holds tight to the rope around him. I catch sight of the two insect-like creatures on the ground, their sharp, pincer-like arms glinting in the shuttle's lights Rooke aims at them. One has a scrap of my dress still stuck in its claw. I shiver recalling how close that thing had gotten to me before Mordox chased it away.

The shuttle descends closer to the ground. I hold onto Tasha's hand tightly, my heart pounding with anticipation. Slye takes aim and fires two quick blasts, hitting both creatures. One screeches in pain as the electric blast slams into its body.

The other falls to the ground, momentarily stunned. Its body jerks and contorts as the force of the stunner weapon ripples through it.

Slye hits them with another blast each. The creatures roar as their bodies convulse from the electric current coursing through them. With a final shudder, they go still and silent.

"You got them, Slye!" Drax roared triumphantly.

Mordox quickly hauls Slye back into the shuttle and shuts the hatch. Slye wears a satisfied grin on his face, but we all know the thing that tore its way out of the lab is still out there somewhere.

"One more to go," Rooke utters. "Keep your eyes on those scanners, males."

As we continue our search for the last creature, I can feel my eyelids growing heavy. We've been searching the dark side of Zune for what feels like days. Everyone keeps their places, Mordox and Slye ready at the hatch, while Tasha remains seated next to me.

Her head lolls in sleep and gently lands on my shoulder. Her deep, even breaths a lullaby that soon works its magic.

* * *

I waketo a hand landing over mine. My eyes open and I squint against the bright sun streaming inside the shuttle and to Mordox's rugged features. His expression softens as it always does when he looks at me.

"I fell asleep," I say, stretching my arms above my head. "Did you all find the last creature?"

"No," Mordox says grimly. "We searched all cycle until we were forced to land so Rooke could recharge the shuttle's solarcells. We won’t have to wait eight hours for them to charge. Rooke is using the portable energy shields we found in the lab to rapidly recharge them, then we’ll continue the search. Once we find and kill it, we're stopping at the prison compound to leave the key, and then it's off to Kyler 4."

“Was Drax able to find the files about the experiments using your computer?” I stifle a yawn behind my hand. “Maybe find a weakness?”

“No. Not yet.”

"Where are we now?" I ask, peering around.

"Hidden on the edge of the forest near the Zune River and overlooking the valley." Mordox holds out his hand and helps me from my seat.

"Any sign of Tris?" My lips press into a thin line as I hold my breath.

"No. Not yet." Mordox leads me out of the shuttle where everyone is hanging out nearby, passing ration packs and refilling water cylinders. "Come eat something. It won't be long before we head out again."

"All right, but I'm not that hungry. Maybe some water though." My heart is in my stomach, stanching my appetite. I can't stop worrying about Tris, wondering where she is and if she's okay.

"I'm worried about her too," Mordox says as we join the others.

I don't need to ask who. Of course he's concerned for her. I'm certain there's a hole in his heart that's larger than mine.

Darcy hands me a water cylinder. "You hungry?"

Guilt chokes me, and I embrace her tightly.
