Page 11 of Merry Mountain Man

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Bear kisses me on the cheek and promises to be right back. I put the pizzas into the oven and set the timer on my phone. There are so many missed messages and calls on my phone. I must have it on silent. I didn’t think to check it all day. I’m sure my friends are worried. Dax has called four times and left messages. I’m not sure that I want to listen to those.

Oakley sent several texts last night and more today. Parker also sent me several texts. Our group chat was also very busy with them speculating what I’m up to. We can track each other for safety reasons, so they figured out I was staying at Bear’s loft. Their suggestions of what was happening were hilarious and mostly true.

HOLLY: I’m alive! Don’t plan my funeral yet.

OAKLEY: Holy shit! I was worried that you had been serial killed or dicked to death.

PARKER: We know she’s at Bear’s so most likely she would have been niced to death.

HOLLY: Screw you guys.

OAKLEY: I thought you screwed Bear.

HOLLY: Why are you so sure that’s what happened?

PARKER: Because you want each other bad, and Dax has been freaking out for the last few hours because Bear yelled at him about you and hung up on him.

OAKLEY: Dax? How do you know what Dax is doing?

PARKER: He tells me things. We’re friends.

PARKER: Holly?

OAKLEY: Holly?

I stopped responding once Dax was mentioned. My friend has a crush on my brother, so I know that’s why she’s talking to him. I think they would be perfect for each other and obviously I have no room to talk about age differences or anything else. Dax being upset bothers me. I want to call him and explain my feelings, but I’m scared and just can’t do it yet.

The buzzer goes off for the pizza. I turn it off and pull it out of the oven. It has been fifteen minutes and Bear still isn’t back which is odd. Maybe something happened downstairs in the bar because of the weather. I’ll go see if he needs help and tell him I miss him.



The bar looks good. The storm didn’t do any damage to the windows, which has happened in the past, and there is no moisture seeping through anywhere. If everything survives the thaw, I’ll be thrilled.

I slide behind the bar. I make quick work of grabbing a bottle of rum and a six-pack of my favorite beer. I don’t want to be away from Holly longer than I have to. I miss her and I’m only downstairs. If one of my friends was telling me this, I would think they were crazy, but I’ve waited so long to make her mine that I don’t want to miss a second with her.

I’m about to turn off the light and head back upstairs when someone bangs on the door of the bar. Who would be out in this mess? I open the door worried that someone needs help and find myself face to face with a my very angry best friend.

“Where is my sister?” Dax walks into the bar, shaking the snow off his boots and taking off his coat.

I guess we are going to do this now. I had hoped that Holly and I would have a few days in this bubble before we had to deal with Dax or anyone else, but I should have known he would come here if he could find a way.

“Where is she, Bear?” He asks again.

“She’s upstairs. You knew she was here, Dax. You asked me to have her stay here so she would be safe.”

A humorless laugh falls from his lips, “Safe? Has she been safe?”

“What exactly do you think has happened here? All I did was tell you not to call your sister a grinch and hang up on you. Do you think you might be jumping to a lot of conclusions?” He’s not, but I’m not going to let him get through this without realizing he’s being a complete asshole.

“You’ve never told me to stop calling her names before or hung up on me like that. Plus, I could tell you were actually angry. My big brother senses went off. No one’s heard from Holly since yesterday and both Parker and Oakley are positive that you two are hooking up.”

“First, I have told you to not call her names. Many times, in fact. Second, you are listening to the girls’ gossip?”

Dax’s getting frustrated, but I still don’t want to just admit to him that he’s right. “Tell me then. Tell me that nothing happened between the two of you and that I can go upstairs to get her. I can take her home, so you don’t have to deal with her anymore.”

Now I’m frustrated. “She’s not a piece of furniture or a pet. Holly is a woman with her own agency. She can stay here, or she can go home. It’s up to her. But, and this is important so listen to every word, you will treat her with respect and let her make decisions for herself. You will not raise your voice to her.”
