Page 12 of Merry Mountain Man

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Dax looks at me like I’ve grown an extra head. I’m about to just lay everything out and admit everything when the door opens and light shines down the stairs. Before I can stop her Holly starts down the stairs wearing nothing but my T-shirt. Her hair is disheveled and she’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s also obvious that she’s been thoroughly loved all day.

She doesn’t see her brother in the bar. “Honey Bear, I’ve been waiting. The pizza’s ready and I thought we could snuggle on the couch and watch Frosty the Snowman while we eat.”

I don’t even see the punch coming, but I hear Holly scream as it connects.

“You son of a bitch. You fucked my sister.”

“I said no yelling, Dax,” I say in a low voice. Now that I know how much it bothers Holly no one will yell in her presence if I can stop them. “I am in love with your sister, asshole.”

“Bear, are you okay?” Holly is down the stairs and at my side. She runs her hands across my cheeks, and I smile at her.

“I’m fine, sweetheart,” I answer her question and hear Dax growl behind me.

Holly turns and faces her brother. “You. I can’t believe you just hit your best friend in the face. What possessed you to do that?”

“He took advantage of you,” Dax answers, but no longer yelling.

Holly rolls her eyes. “You are an idiot, Dax. On what planet would Bear take advantage of someone?” She kisses my cheek and continues, “Maybe I took advantage of him. Or maybe we both have serious feelings for each other that we were afraid to pursue because of your reaction. Maybe us being together because of the snow helped us realize that we are meant to be together.”

“Holly, I don’t want you to get hurt. You know that I will always be on your side and if this is what you want, I won’t argue. I just hate that you didn’t think you could talk to me before it got to this point.”

Holly leaves my arms and walks over to her brother. “Dax, I love him so much. I’ve loved him for a long time. He loves me too. I don’t want to come between the two of you and I don’t want to lose you. Please be okay with us being together.”

I add, “I don’t want to lose you as my friend either, but I’ll always pick Holly first. She is the most important thing to me. She’s going to be my wife and the mother of my children. I love her more than anything and anyone.”

Dax hugs his sister and looks over at me. For a minute he just stares at the two of us and nods. That seems to be that as far as the siblings are concerned. They begin laughing together about how cold it is in the bar and Dax’s crazy idea of coming to the bar in the snow.

“Will you come have pizza with us and watch a movie? We are gonna decorate the Christmas tree and stuff. This is gonna be fun.” Holly looks at Dax with so much hope.

“Um, sure, I guess.” Dax answers, giving me a very confused look.

“Holly, sweetheart, go on upstairs and we’ll be right up. Dax needs to grab a drink and I need to lock the door.” I give her a quick kiss and pat her butt as she walks by to head back up the stairs.

“I don’t need to see that.” Dax groans. Once Holly is back in the loft, Dax asks, “I’m not going to call her a grinch again, but when did Holly have a complete turn around on her Christmas feelings? She has always hated the holiday and avoided all the decorating, movies, and stuff.”

I don’t want to betray Holly’s trust, but her brother needs to know something. “There are things that happened in the past that I don’t think she’s told you. And she has some trauma from before your parents left. Maybe not tonight, but soon you two need to talk. I think she just needed to get through a few things and take a different look at the holidays.”

“I’ll wait until you think she’s ready but thanks for telling me. I’m sorry I hit you and acted like an idiot. I know that you have always cared about Holly, and I just didn’t realize that it was more than a friendly way. You are one of the best men I know, Bear. I know you will always put her first. You’ve already proven that she’s important to you. A big brother freak out wasn’t right, even if it’s gross to think about my little sister and best friend kissing.”

We both laugh. “Get used to it.”

He groans, but there is a smile on his face. Twenty minutes ago he was punching me in the face and now we are heading upstairs to hang out. All is right with the world. I knew he would accept Holly and I together and I’m happy for Holly’s sake that it happened so fast.

Chapter Eight


It’s been two weeks since the snowstorm and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Bear practically moved me into his loft. I haven’t spent a night at my apartment since our first night together. I tried to go home after the storm, but he distracted me in bed until I was too weak to go anywhere.

Tonight, we are hosting everyone for a Christmas Eve party. The loft looks like someone bought everything in the Christmas section at the store. Maybe because I did do that. It’s my first real happy holiday so I’m going all out. The tree is decorated with Bear’s ornaments, a few ornaments we bought together the last few weeks, and two ornaments that Bear’s mother gave me yesterday.

I’ve met Bear’s family many times over the years, but yesterday was the first time since we became a couple. They immediately treated me like family. Bear’s mother gave me an ornament that commemorated our first Christmas and the other was a little bear. She told me that she always bought bear ornaments and that when she saw this one years ago, she bought it and put it away for Bear’s future wife. I tried to tell her we weren’t engaged, Bear talks about me being his wife but hasn’t asked, but she just smiled and put the ornament in my hand.

Everything is ready for the party. Bear closed the bar early and everyone is coming in about ten minutes. I have the food and drinks laid out festively. There is Christmas music playing through the speakers and cinnamon candles burn giving the room a holiday smell.Is a holiday smell a thing?

Bear walks out of our room wearing his ugly sweater and jeans. God he’s a handsome man. “How do I look, sweetheart? Is this ugly enough?”

I slowly look him up and down like I’m trying to figure it out. Bear grabs me around the waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I lean back and answer him, “Your sweater is ugly, but you are so sexy.”

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