Page 4 of Merry Mountain Man

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“Are you okay, sweetheart?”

A slight smile graces her face, and she nods. “I’m fine, but Bear is this a line we should cross?”

Holly is probably right, but with her in my arms I couldn’t care less. I’ve wanted her for years and I can’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks about that. I start to move to kiss her again, but then I see doubt in her eyes. As much as I want her, I also want her to be completely on board.

My hands fall from her hips, and I gently remove her hands from my shoulders. The chair catches on the rug as I move it back to stand. I take a few steps away from Holly and hold out my hand. “We can do whatever you want, Holly Berry.”

She puts her hand in mine. “Thank you, Bear.”

I don’t think she knows yet that I would do anything for her, but she will soon. I will make sure that she learns exactly how I feel about her before the snow melts.



Woah.With my hand in his, Bear leads me over to his couch. “Want to watch a movie?” he asks.

I sit down on one end of the most comfortable couch I’ve ever sat on. Everything in Bear’s loft is warm and welcoming. I’ve always loved being here. Mostly because I get to be around Bear, but also because I feel at home. Instead of sitting on the other end of the couch, Bear sits right next to me. The warmth from his body enveloping me instantly. “A movie sounds fun. Can it be a Christmas movie?”

I love the shocked look on Bear’s face. I am a notorious grinch. But something about being up here with him in the middle of a snowstorm is making me feel Christmasy. “Of course, we can, Holly Berry.” He answers with a grin.

“If you keep using that awful nickname, I’m going to start calling you something equally ridiculous,” I smile as Bear laughs. “What could I call you? There’s Fuzzy Bear, Sugar Bear, but I think the best nickname would be Honey Bear.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Holly Berry.” Bear pulls up a streaming service and I pick a holiday romance I haven’t seen in forever. I don’t remember what happens in the movie, but Oakley and Parker watch it every year. I always come up with some excuse to not watch it with them.

The movie is sweet and romantic. When the leads share a passionate kiss, I can feel Bear’s gaze on me. It takes willpower I didn’t know I have to not turn and look at him. I’m afraid if our eyes meet then we’ll kiss again and as wonderful as that felt I don’t trust that it’s real. Bear never looks at me like he is tonight, and I can’t help but think that maybe I’m just convenient. He’s not that kind of guy, I know he won’t do anything I don’t want to do, but why would he want me?

“I can hear you thinking over there.”

His voice pulls my focus back to the movie. Holy moly, there is a full-on sex scene happening on the screen. How did I miss that this was happening? “Um, yeah, sorry. I was just…” I stop because I can’t think with Bear so close. Did he move closer to me while I wasn’t paying attention?

“Just…what?” Bear pauses the movie, the couple frozen with their bodies against each other in a moment of passion.

“Is it hot in here?” The heat from my face turning red in embarrassment spreads as soon as the words are out of my mouth. I can’t believe I said that out loud.

“Maybe a little warm,” Bear answers with a tilted grin. “Are you gonna tell me what you were thinking about so hard over here in the corner of the couch?” he asks as he wraps one arm around my shoulder. I can’t help it as I lean my head against his warm body. It seems like the most natural thing in the world.

“I was just wondering why you kissed me. I know you don’t think of me that way.” The frown on Bear’s face has me second guessing my decision to be honest with him tonight.

“Bullshit.” There’s anger in his voice I’ve never heard before. “Why do you think I don’t want you? That I don’t want to strip you completely bare right here and feast on you.”

I move away from him — not because I’m afraid of him, but because I’m afraid of what his words make me want to do.

“Holly, I want an answer.”

“You’ve never wanted me before.” Bear pulls me into his body so that I have no choice but to sit in his lap. “I’m too heavy to sit in your lap, Bear.”



“One, I’ve wanted you for years. I already told you that and I meant it. I get hard as fuck every time you are in the room. Hell, it happens when you’re not in the room. I just have to think about these gorgeous curves of yours and I have to take myself in hand. Two, you will stop with this heavy bullshit. I’m so much bigger than you and if I want you to sit in my lap or somewhere else, I mean it.”

Somewhere else? I want to ask, but his smirk tells me it’s something dirty and I’m probably better off not letting him know I didn’t fully understand. Bear’s hands wander up and down my torso. I shudder from the way he sets off sparks through my body. When he gently brushes against the bottom of my unrestrained breasts and moan escapes from somewhere deep inside of me.

“You like that, my sweet Holly?” Bear asks before moving his lips up my neck with small kisses.

I nod. I do like it, but I still have reservations. All of this is moving too fast, and I need to think. I don’t want Bear to regret something happening between us and his relationship with Dax being ruined because of me. I won’t regret anything that would ever happen between me and this gorgeous, kind, wonderful man and that’s why I stop it now.

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