Page 3 of Vicious Slash

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Fucking brilliant.The sun had only been up for half an hour, and I already had my best asshole face on.

Worse, it looked like my mood was contagious.

I let out a sigh. “Appreciate the support, Michaels, but I got it from here.” Swirling my finger in the air, I ran back to my place. "Let's do it again."

And again, and again.

By the time Jason ran back in – not half as red-faced and sorry as I needed him to be – I'd worked the team hard and already decided what I was gonna do. I jogged to the bench where my reserves sat after their brief training with the rest of the main team and picked out one. “Mitch. Good training sesh. You wanna be on the field on Saturday?"

The dark-skinned Islander grinned broadly. "You bet, Cap."

A genuine smile crept over my lips. Enthusiasm like that couldn’t be created and if I could bottle that shit, I would. "Keep that up, and do me a favor and stand out in front of the nice scouts, you get me?" I raised both eyebrows to emphasise the opportunity.

"Thank you." Still grinning maniacally, he let out a whoop and darted off into the showers.

Laughing softly, I watched him go then schooled my features and turned to face Jason only to find him locked in a battle of wills with Donovan. The two men were nose to nose and I couldn’t tell whose face was redder.

“Man, you leave everyone in the lurch while you’re pussy footing around. Maybe you should be on the fucking cheer squad instead of the lacrosse team,” Donovan shouted in Jason’s face.

“Yeah? You been here for five minutes and you’re telling me how to play, huh?” Jasson squared his shoulders, his chest puffing out. “I’ve been on this goddamn team for two years and I’ve put in more five am practices than you’ll ever see, man.”

I closed my eyes and let my breath hiss slowly between my teeth. “You’re a pack of toddlers, for fuck’s sake. I appreciate the help, Donovan, but get your ass in the showers before they run outta hot water.” I fixed him with a hard glare when he looked like he might argue and he wisely shut his mouth. “And you,” I turned back to Jason. “You’re benched.”

I swore his jaw hit the manicured lawn. “Bullshit.”

“Benched,” I said it slowly so the word made it through his thick skull. No amount of good breeding would give him brains.

"For how fucking long?" His face merged from reds to purples.

I smiled benevolently. “The whole game, Jase. Don’t get on my fucking bad side.”

“Not at the end of the year. You know the scouts...”

I nodded, swallowing back the hurt I knew I caused. None of us needed money; getting drafted was a dream because we all loved the game. “Yeah, I know. And if you move your ass in training, play like you’re one of us and not the team fucking clown, then next week you’ll be back on.Maybe.No promises. Earn it back, Jase.” I turned my back to him, clenching my teeth. Fuck, I hated this part of captaining. Leading the team in training or to a championship was gravy compared to this.

Behind me, Jason let out a frustrated roar. "I'll take it up with Coach."

I stilled, and Donovan's eyes flicked side to side, eating up the drama. Fuck it, I told him to shower. Right?Right?I couldn’t remember and it was only six fucking o’clock. Wisely and somewhat amazingly, Jason kept his mouth shut. Maybe he did have some preservation genes after all.

“Go on, Jase, off you go,” Donovan added fuel to the fire when none of us spontaneously combusted.

I closed my eyes, but not in time to avoid the head of dark hair and fiery eyes aimed right at me when she bounced onto the field.

Here comes the neighborhood.

"Are you still treating your team like shit, Beau?" Sylvie Quick snapped, tossing her hair over her shoulder and shooting me an unhealthy dose of her ‘fuck me or fuck you’attitude that robbed me of all the air in my lungs.

If I hadn't been ready to rip my team of dicks a new one, I damn well was now.

"Back off, bitch.” Donovan didn't look at her as he turned back to Jason, who only grinned widely and folded his arms over his chest.

“Go. Both of you." I pushed the words out between my teeth. “I’ve had enough of this petty bullshit for one morning.”

"Fuck you." That came out in tandem from both Sylvie and Donovan, Jase managing to keep his trap shut for this round, though I suspected the other two were swearing at different people. Or maybe just at me.

Ignoring the boys, I set my sights on Sylvie. She was as beautiful as the day I watched her get shot on my watch. Then, she hadn't been quite as sassy as she was now.

I liked her both ways. The quiet, confused and needy girl, and this volatile atom intent on burning the world around her, or at least, my section of it.
