Page 120 of Vacancy

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Foster’s eyes lit up as he pointed right back at me. “Or a Hummer? Or…oh!”

“Party bus,” we said together.

“Yes!” Foster agreed. “I’d totally get drunk in one of those.”

We grinned at each other just as Keene peeled away from the conga line and came racing toward us, yelling, “Arch. Yo, Arch!” He jumped onto my back and tried to ride my shoulders until I shook him off, and then he said way too loudly for someone who was standing right beside me, “Why don’t you call that hot señorita of yours and invite her over to party with us? I want to celebrate my birthday with Oaklynn.”

I sent him a hard glance. “Yeah, I don’t think so. She’s not getting anywhere near you right now.”

“What? Why?” he cried, lifting his hands in dismay.

“Probably because you’d hit on her and beg for a lap dance,” Foster answered helpfully.

Keene’s eyes went wide. “Wait.Couldshe give me a lap dance?”

“Yo, I want one from her too.” Parker lifted a finger to include himself just as Alec tumbled onto the couch between him and Hudson to ask for a puff on his cigar.

Sending the curly-headed drunk a dirty glance, Parker scoffed. “Junior, don’t evenaskfor shit like that until you start growing some hair between your legs. Leave my damn cigar alone.” He batted Alec’s hand down when the freshman tried to reach out and just coax it from his fingers.

Next to them, Hudson blew a smoke ring and said, “If anyone deserves a lap dance from Vargas, it’s definitely me. I have to listen to her and Archie go at it every night through the damn wall. I now know the exact sound she makes right before she comes, and I’m telling y’all, it’s so fucking hot I’ve woken up with blue balls this entire week.”

“None of you motherfuckers is getting a lap dance from my girlfriend,” I announced loudly, spreading my arms wide to make sure they all understood.

“Lap dance,yes!” Thane cheered from the side of the room where the waitress was grinding on him in a dirty dance. “Move that thing, darlin’.”

Intrigued by how raunchy things were turning over there, Keene abandoned me and Foster to join Thane. “Ooh, wait for me.”

“I still can’t believe you’re the only one of us who has a girlfriend,” Hudson continued, only to hand over his cigar without hesitation when Alec turned tohim, begging for a puff. “I mean, shy, chubby Damien who couldn’t eventalkin the presence of a girl just scored the hottest chick on campus. Seriously, I am so proud.”

“Hey, aren’t you supposed to have a girlfriend now, too?” Parker leaned past a sputtering, coughing Alec to ask.

A dumbfounded expression crossed Hudson’s face before he nodded. “Oh yeah. I guess I do.”

Next to him, Alec grabbed his mouth and began to heave before he spewed all over the floor between them.

“God…dammit,” Parker cried, surging to his feet and backing away to avoid the mess before he zipped an accusing glance to Hudson. “Why the hell did you give him a cigar?”

Hudson waved an unconcerned hand. “Eh, the boy’s got to learn somehow.” And he blithely took a sip of his bourbon as he remained relaxed and chilled where he was, lighting a new cigar without thought.

Foster and I started toward Alec in unison to take care of him, until Keene and Thane cheered suddenly from the other side of the room.

The blitzed waitress was giving them a personal show and was in the process of pulling her top off over her head.

“Ah, jeez,” Foster grumbled before glancing at me. “You want to flip for it?”

No way was I going near Miss Strips-A-Lot. “You get her,” I said. “I’ll take care of Younger.”

“Oh, thank God,” he breathed, nodding his agreement before we parted ways and went to clean up the two different disasters brewing on opposite sides of the room.

I took Hudson’s first cigar away from Alec and steered him toward a trashcan while Foster tried to coax the girl into putting her shirt back on, only for her to grab his face between two hands and kiss him full on the mouth.

Yep, I decided, puke duty was definitely better than that.

But seriously, Oaklynn was going to enjoy hearing all about this tomorrow, I was sure.

* * *

It wasbeyond easy to convince Parker to rent us a party bus before the night was over, but neither Foster nor I decided to get drunk with the rest of them after all.
