Page 157 of Vacancy

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“Dude!” Keene slapped Alec’s arm in reprimand. “You were supposed to be watching our girl, not messing around with cameras.”

“Hey,” Alec muttered, insulted. “She’s fine. Look.”

When he motioned to me, I waved and smiled at them.

Keene sighed heavily and pushed Alec away, dismissing him, only to throw an arm around my shoulders and wink at me. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ll watch youjust rightthis hour.”

“Dear Lord.” I rolled my eyes as Keene tipped up his chin at Alec.

“Yo, man. I got it from here. What’re you waiting for? To pass her leash off or something?”

“Oh, no, you didn’t,” I scolded indignantly and elbowed him in the ribs away from me.

As he bent and coughed, clutching his side, I turned to Alec and gave him a big hug. “Thanks for the company.”

His cheeks brightened in pleasure as he answered, “Anytime.” Then he sent his roommate a frown and flipped him off. “Later, moron.”

“Damn,” Keene said as he straightened with a wince. “I don’t know why I’m supposed to be guardingyou. You got a mean left elbow, Vargas. You should be fucking guardingme.”

That actually made me feel better, but I still had to warn him, “Just don’t be an ass, and I won’t have to use it on you again. Got it?”

He blew out a breath, still rubbing his stomach, and kept in step with me as I took off. “Deal.”

At the history building, he followed me inside, only to pause at the doorway to the lecture hall. “So I guess I’ll just sit out here all hour, like a good guard dog, until you come out again?”

I shrugged. “If you want to. Or you could come in. They don’t assign seats or take roll call or anything. The class is so big no one would know if you don’t usually attend and aren’t enrolled.”

“Works for me,” he answered, following me into the room. “I don’t want to be bored, sitting out there alone for an hour with nothing to do.”

And he definitely didn’t plan on being bored in here with me. As soon as he slumped lazily into the seat next to mine, he hitched his chin in greeting at a girl in the row in front of us who glanced over her shoulder to check him out.

“Howdy,” he greeted with a grin. “You new to this class? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before.”

Flushing out a giddy laugh, she replied, “That’s exactly what I was going to say to you.”

“What…a coincidence,” he rolled out in a smooth voice as he leaned forward in his seat to flirt with her shamelessly.

I sighed and shook my head as I pulled out my laptop to take notes.

* * *

So my secondclass of the day went off without a hitch as well.

Plus, I’m not sure how, but Keene walked out with phone numbers from three different girls. It probably had something to do with the fact that he had to insert himself into the class discussion and pick an argument with some guy that was making a sexist, bullshit point.

Humorously enough, the professor never even questioned Keene’s enrollment.

“Dude, you’re a better wingman than any of the other guys,” Keene praised as we headed toward the English building next. “This is a record.” He whistled, impressed with himself as he fanned out the slips of paper with the various phone numbers on them and nodded his approval. “We might just have to keep you around after all.”

“As if you had a say,” I told him dryly.

When my phone buzzed again, I let out a groan. “Seriously, Damien,” I grumbled aloud as I pulled up the screen to see who’d messaged me. “Are you going to check in after every class? I’m fine.”

But even as I complained about his persistence, I had to secretly admit it felt really nice to have someone care and worry about me as much as he did.

So how many bones am I going to have to break on Dugger for his inappropriate behavior toward you?

I grinned before answering,
