Page 79 of Vacancy

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I nodded. “God…yes.”

We both exhaled, our breaths mixing, and closed our eyes, ready for that sweet moment of entry.

Until I remembered. “Wait! Do you have anything?” I clutched his forearm, and he froze after pushing about an inch in.

My eyes flew open to find him gaping right back at me.

“Fuck,” he gasped, and his hips retreated, making my pussy balk. I whimpered, and he grimaced in horror. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I completely forgot. I—”

He broke off as soon as he sat upright, and when his gaze met mine, I knew I wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

“What?” I demanded, anyway.

“I…didn’t replenish my wallet after Tuesday,” he confessed, looking utterly devastated. “And I don’t…”

My eyes flared with dread. “You don’thaveanything?”

But that… That couldn’t be. This was a house full of four single, college-aged guys. There had to besomething—

“Oh!” I jerked on Damien’s arm, probably yanking it half out of its socket. “Didn’t Keene say he left us a present in your nightstand drawer?”

Keene was the one who always made sure his friends were properly protected, right? Because of his mom. And I’d seen him hauling a box upstairs, one perfectly sized to hold—

Damien dove toward the drawer and yanked it open. “Oh, thank God,” he breathed, pulling out an opened box of condoms.

I exhaled roughly. “Whew, that was close. Remind me to give him a juicy, wet kiss the next time I see him.”

Damien glanced up archly in the middle of ripping open a package and extracting a latex ring. “His mouth isn’t getting anywherenearyou,” he stated firmly.

Kind of liking the possessive growl in his voice, I smiled back, taunting, “But these grateful lips need to givesomeonea big, ol’ thank you kiss.”

His gaze heated. “I’ll tell him how good it was,” he promised before leaning in to claim the kiss for himself.

I hummed in delight and opened my mouth to him. But the moment his tongue thrust between my teeth, his cock also plunged, spiking between swollen, sensitive muscles.

It felt so good for him to finally be right where I needed him that my first spasm rocked through me, setting off another and another until I was full-on coming. He grunted in surprise, and I couldn’t seem to stop igniting, breaking my mouth from his so I could sob openly and clutch him for dear life as all the pleasure and life inside me flooded from my pores.

Damien wrapped me in his arms and held me through it until I finished with a sob and buried my face in his throat, mortified.

“Sorry, sorry…” I panted, unable to stop the shaking in my limbs.

He cupped my head and pressed his mouth to my temple. “What the fuck are you sorry for?” he asked, sounding half-amused and yet half-concerned. “That was hot as hell.”

Pulling my face back to look into his eyes, I blinked in confusion.

He chuckled huskily and pressed his mouth to my jaw. “Feel free to come whenever you want.” Then he leaned in close to my ear to nip at the lobe before whispering, “However many times you need. For however long you must.” Pulling back to send me a dazzling smirk, he bragged, “I’ll just be over here, tallying them up and feeling awesome.”

“God,” I breathed, stroking a hand affectionately over his hair as I gazed back into his seeking eyes. “You are just too good to be true.”

“Yeah?” he asked, his cocky grin only growing broader.

Then he pushed deep inside me, and I realized he hadn’t killed me yet. My toes tingled with renewed pleasure and all the hot spots lit up inside me again.


There was still more life in me to give, yet.

