Page 36 of Not This Way

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That was the question.

His shoulders slumped. And for a brief minute, it almost looked as if he were going to crumple in on himself.

Rachel watched him closely.

“Alright, alright,” he conceded, his voice faltering. That’s when his hand slipped down to his waistband, fingers trembling as they wrapped around something hidden from view.

“Don’t do it!” Rachel said sharply. Her own weapon raised.

But he ignored her. In one swift movement, he produced a rusty revolver, the metal glinting menacingly under the flickering fluorescent light.

He hadn’t hit the safety, though. She could see it from here.

So as he raised the gun, she held her fire, hoping Ethan saw it too.

“Stay back!” Mark warned, his eyes wild with fear or perhaps desperation. “I won’t hesitate to use this thing!”

Rachel’s heart hammered in her chest, her instincts screaming at her to react. But she knew better than to let her emotions take over; the safety was on. His hand was shaking.

“Put it down,” she ordered, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. “You don’t want to make things worse for yourself.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw Ethan tense, ready to spring into action if necessary. But Rachel hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

“Please,” she added, softer now but no less determined. “We can still work this out peacefully. I know people like you. One thing leads to another. It all just gets away from you, doesn’t it? You didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I know that.”

Mark’s grip on the revolver wavered, his entire body trembling like a leaf caught in a storm. The seconds ticked by agonizingly slow as they awaited his decision, the air in the room heavy with anticipation.

The stale air in the motel room grew even heavier as Mark’s shaking hand tightened around the rusty revolver. Rachel watched him carefully, her heart pounding in her ears but her expression calm and steady. She knew that a single wrong move could spell disaster for both her and Ethan. Especially if their suspect noticed the safety was still on.

Fortunately, Ethan seemed to notice the same thing. She spotted, out of the corner of her eye, as he tensed, staring. He inhaled shakily.

He muttered, “Safety,” under his breath.

She nodded a single time, trying not to draw attention to herself.

In a heartbeat, Ethan sprang into action, his athletic body moving with precision and speed. He closed the distance between himself and Mark Adelman in an instant, his hand shooting out to grip Mark’s wrist tightly. With a swift twist, he forced Mark’s arm to bend at an unnatural angle, causing the man to yelp in pain and drop the weapon. The gun clattered to the floor, its hollow sound echoing throughout the room.

“Damn it!” Mark cursed under his breath as he stepped back from Ethan, clutching his injured wrist. His eyes darted around the room like those of a cornered animal, searching for a way out of the situation he’d just made worse for himself.

“Should’ve listened when I told you to put it down,” Rachel said coolly, keeping her gaze locked on the now disarmed man.

“Easy for you to say,” Mark spat, his voice tinged with bitterness and desperation. “You don’t know what I’ve been through, what they’ll do to me if I talk!”

Ethan straightened up, keeping a watchful eye on Mark, while subtly positioning himself between the man and the door. “Whatwhowill do to you?”

“I—” Mark hesitated, his face a mixture of fear and indecision. As he glanced back and forth between Rachel and Ethan, his resolve seemed to waver.

Rachel took a slow and measured breath. She knew that they were on the precipice of something crucial, and it was up to her and Ethan to ensure that they didn’t slip up. With a quiet determination, she said, “We need you to be honest with us, sir.”

In a split second, Mark’s eyes locked onto the window behind him. The pane was damaged, its jagged edges betraying the motel’s age and neglect. Without another word, he lunged for it, desperation fueling his every move.

“Stop!” Rachel shouted, her pulse quickening as she reached for him. But it was too late. Adelman crashed through the fragile glass, the sound of shattering echoing throughout the room. Shards of glass cascaded to the pavement below like a deadly rain.

Ethan and Rachel exchanged a quick glance, their expressions a mixture of shock and determination. They rushed to the window, hearts pounding in their chests. Rachel peered out the window. Mark was rolling to his feet, sending a shower of glass falling around him.

“Damn it!” Ethan muttered under his breath, frustration clouding his voice. He gripped the windowsill tightly, knuckles turning white.

He flung himself after their suspect, vaulting the windowsill.
