Page 69 of Not This Way

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No one could see.

Not until they checked the security footage, and by then it would all be over.

So he released his grip on the knife.

It fell, and the moment it struck the ground, he lunged at the cop, moving fast.

He slammed into the smaller man, bringing him crashing to the ground.

The breath whooshed from both of them as they hit the concrete hard. The cop’s gun went skittering across the ground, under another car.

The cop tried to gouge at the man’s eyes, but it was too late.

Far, far too late for any of that.

He was heavier, larger. He wrapped his fingers around the cop’s neck and began squeezing.

There was something exhilarating about strangling a police officer just outside the precinct.

No one called out. No one shouted.

The wind and the rain and the cover of clouds served to disguise the events on the asphalt.

The cop gurgled, grabbing at the man’s hands, trying to snap a finger.

But it was no use.

The man was relentless, pushing his thumbs deeper into the cop’s throat.

The cop kicked up, catching the man between the legs. He let out a pained yelp and nearly fell off. The cop was going for his Taser now.

But the man redoubled his efforts, ignoring the lancing pain shooting through his gut.

He grabbed at the cop a second time as the officer surged to his feet. But he pulled the cop back to the ground, dragging him to the soaking cement.

The cop squirmed and kicked, but he was no match for the man’s strength.

The man squeezed his fingers around the officer’s throat. He watched the light in the cop’s eyes, staring at the youthful, handsome features.

There was something almost poetic about the moment. Something that sent shivers up his spine.

“It’ll be over now,” he whispered, his voice panting.

The man’s grip tightened, and the cop’s body went limp beneath him. The man held on for a while longer, savoring the feeling of power that coursed through his veins. He was a god, he realized. He held the power of life and death in his hands. And it was intoxicating.

Slowly, he released his grip on the cop’s throat and crawled backwards, panting heavily. He watched the rain wash over the cop’s body. It was a beautiful sight.

But the cop was still breathing.

He stared at the faint rising and falling of the unconscious man’s chest.

He was young. Fresh.

The earth didn’t need him. Not now.

He would allow the man to live.

Yes… yes, he’d decided. But he needed to hide the man’s body.
