Page 72 of Not This Way

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Finally, a voice answered on the other end of the line. “IT department, how can I assist you?”

“Hi, this is Ranger Rachel Blackwood. I need to trace a transaction made through a cash app.”

“Sure thing, Ranger. Can I get the details?”

Rachel read off the account information, tapping her foot impatiently against the floor.

Who could have paid Boyd to make those calls?

“Doesn’t seem to go anywhere,” the voice said.

“Come again?”

“The cash was sent from a dummy account. Only a couple minor transactions.”

Rachel frowned. “What were the other transactions?”

“Nothing much. A pair of shoes. A watch.”

Rachel was pacing now, feeling her frustration mounting. “What type of shoes?” she said at last.

“Umm… Hang on.”

The sound of clicking resonated in the background. Then came the reply. “Men’s dress shoes. Brown leather. A strange little golden swoop on the side.”

Rachel’s jaw dropped. “You’re sure?”

“Yeah. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.”

“No. No, it’s fine.”

Rachel lowered her phone, her brow furrowing. She then turned to the stairs and marched back up, moving swiftly.

Those shoes…

She’d spotted them.

She felt sure she had.

But maybe it was just a mistake. A trick of a desperate mind.

Time was running out, and the killer was still in the wind.


Rain lashed against the windowpane, obscuring Rachel’s view of the parked car outside the precinct. She leaned closer, her breath fogging up the glass as she watched the lawyer climb back into the vehicle. The driver moved around the side of the car with a briskness that caught her attention.

“Come on, buddy,” she murmured to herself, her deep brown eyes narrowing in suspicion. Her fingers traced the rim of her hat, a comforting habit.

But her eyes were like those of a hawk, fixed on the man’s shoes.

She’d spotted them as the lawyer entered the interrogation room.

And now, as she stared, she felt a faint shiver down her spine.

The driver’s shoes came into focus as he stepped under a streetlamp. Rachel peered closer through the rain-streaked window. Brown leather with a golden emblem on the side—a match for the killer’s credit card purchase.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins, her heart pounding like thunder in her ears.
