Page 79 of Not This Way

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Rachel stood up and backed away, watching as the killer struggled to disentangle himself from the cactus. He was bleeding from multiple scratches and pricks, but he no longer seemed to feel the pain. Instead, his eyes were fixed on her, burning with a hatred that chilled her to the bone.

“You think you’ve won?” he snarled, his voice hoarse from the exertion. “You’re nothing! You’re just a weak little girl!”

Rachel felt a surge of anger rise within her, but she forced it down. She knew that getting emotional would only lead to mistakes. Instead, she kept her eyes locked on his, waiting for him to make a move.

The killer pushed himself up from the cactus and lunged at her once again. Rachel sidestepped his attack and delivered a powerful punch to his stomach. He doubled over, gasping for air, and she took the opportunity to deliver a swift kick to his face.

The killer fell to the ground, his head hitting the sand with a sickening thud. Rachel stood over him, panting heavily, her hands balled into fists.

The killer groaned and tried to push himself up, but Rachel kicked him in the ribs, sending him sprawling back onto the ground.

“You’re done,” she said, her voice low and steady. “Give up now, and I won’t hurt you anymore.”

The killer glared up at her, his eyes filled with hatred and defiance.

“You’re making a mistake,” he said, his voice hoarse. “You don’t know this land like I do.”

Rachel shook her head. “No,” she said. “I know it well enough. And I know that you’re done.”

The killer snarled and tried to get up, but Rachel pushed him back down with her boot. “I said, you’re done.”

He lay there, panting and glaring up at her. After a few moments, his defiance melted away, replaced by a look of resignation.

Rachel stepped back, letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

He then tried to surge upward one last time.

But she’d been expecting this.

She struck him a final time, and he slumped back to the ground.

She stood over him, gasping under the sun, feeling like a wolf with cornered prey.

Then she glanced sharply back at the car.

The lawyer was still bleeding out.

“I’m coming!” she called out, gasping. “Hang on!”

She turned on her heel, moving fast up the incline, scrambling along the dusty ground.

Behind her, she heard the killer’s labored breathing, but she didn’t look back.

She reached the vehicle. The lawyer was still alive, but barely. The woman’s head lolled to the side, and a pale hand held a rag to her bloody neck.

She cursed, glancing over her shoulder toward where the killer lay motionless.

A decision had to be made.

The lawyer was going to bleed out.

But she needed to secure the killer.

Dragging him back up the incline, though, would take too long.

She didn’t have her handcuffs with her.

