Page 1 of Not This Time

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Terror hid, watching the idyllic from the shadows.

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the sprawling ranch. Wildflowers danced in the gentle breeze, their vibrant colors dotting the landscape like nature's confetti. Crimson Indian paintbrushes stood out against the verdant grass, while clusters of bluebonnets swayed beneath the weight of bumblebees. The scent of blooming jasmine and honeysuckle filled the air with an intoxicating sweetness.

Near the stables, several horses cantered back and forth, stirring up dust clouds with each hoofbeat. Their sleek coats shone in the fading light – a chestnut mare with a white star on her forehead, a dappled gray gelding, and a spirited black stallion. The rhythmic thudding of their hooves against the earth was punctuated by occasional snorts and whinnies, a symphony of equine vitality.

Amidst this idyllic scene, two young girls played near the paddock fence, their laughter ringing out like wind chimes. The older girl, around twelve years old, had long chestnut hair that tumbled down her back, reflecting the sunlight like a cascade of copper. Her eyes were as green and mysterious as the surrounding forest, and her freckled cheeks flushed pink from their exertions. She was Amber, the daughter of the ranch owner and a budding equestrian.

Her companion, Lily, was a few years younger, her golden curls bouncing as she jumped and twirled around. A scattering of freckles decorated her button nose, and her ice-blue eyes sparkled with mischief. The girls were cousins, their bond forged through summers spent exploring the ranch together, sharing secrets, and daring each other to feats of bravery.

As they frolicked among the wildflowers, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the horses, it was hard to imagine the dark cloud that would soon descend upon their innocent world.

Amber plucked a vibrant blue cornflower from the ground and tucked it gently behind Lily's ear, the petals contrasting beautifully with her golden curls. Lily giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she suddenly reached up and snatched the flower from her hair.

"Try to catch me," she taunted, her voice lilting like a songbird's melody.

And with that, she bolted away, the stolen flower clenched tightly in her small fist. Amber couldn't help but laugh, her competitive streak flaring to life. "You're on!" she shouted, already sprinting after her younger cousin.

The girls raced through the sun-dappled meadow, their laughter echoing across the open expanse. Amber felt a surge of exhilaration as she closed the gap between them, the wind whipping through her hair and cooling her flushed cheeks. She could see Lily just ahead, her golden curls bouncing with each stride, the blue petals of the cornflower peeking out from her clenched hand.

"Can't catch me!" Lily called, breathless but still grinning, as she veered left, darting toward the dense woods that bordered the ranch.

"Watch me!" Amber retorted, her eyes fixed on the prize. Her long legs carried her swiftly over the uneven terrain, expertly navigating the rocks and fallen logs that threatened to trip her up. The thrill of the chase quickened her pulse, her heart pounding in her chest like the rhythmic drumming of hooves.

As they entered the tree line, the sunlight filtering through the leaves cast dappled patterns on the forest floor. The air was cooler here, scented with the earthy aroma of damp soil and decaying leaves. Amber knew every twist and turn of these woods, every hidden path and secret clearing, and used this knowledge to her advantage as she continued her pursuit.

"Almost got you!" she panted. The gap between them was narrowing, and Amber could practically feel the delicate petals of the cornflower within her grasp.

"Never!" Lily's laughter rang through the trees, her voice a beacon guiding Amber through the shadows. Though she was younger and smaller, Lily proved to be a worthy adversary, darting around tree trunks and leaping over fallen branches with surprising agility.

"Give it back, Lily!" Amber shouted playfully, trying to catch her breath as she lunged for the blue flower.

As Amber rounded the tree, she thought she had caught up to Lily. But instead, her cousin's triumphant laughter gave way to a sudden silence. Amber skidded to a halt, her eyes widening in shock at the sight that greeted her.

"Amber... what...?" Lily whispered, her voice trembling. Her small hand clutched the cornflower so tightly that its petals began to crumple. The playful banter that had filled the air just moments before vanished, replaced by an oppressive weight that seemed to constrict their chests.

"Stay behind me," Amber commanded, her protective instincts taking over. She positioned herself in front of her younger cousin, shielding her from the gruesome scene before them.

Wedged against a gnarled tree, a lifeless body hung limply. One arm dangled by its side, while the other was twisted at an unnatural angle, caught in the relentless embrace of the branches above. Dark crimson stained the victim's clothing, evidence of a violent struggle that had ultimately resulted in death. The face, once a canvas for human emotion, was now a mask of terror, frozen in time.

The girls exchanged a horrified glance, each searching the other's face for some semblance of understanding or reassurance. But all they found were reflections of their own fear, mirrored in wide, unblinking eyes.

"Wh-who is it?" Lily stuttered, her voice barely audible.

"I don't know," Amber admitted, trying to sound braver than she felt. "But we need to tell Dad."

In that heart-stopping moment, Amber's breath hitched in her throat as she stared at the gruesome sight before them. She felt Lily's hand trembling within her own and knew that their shared terror was on the verge of erupting.

"Stay close to me," Amber ordered, fighting to keep her own voice steady. Her mind scrambled for a plan, some way to make sense of what they had stumbled upon. But all rational thought seemed to evaporate as the girls finally gave in to the primal urge welling up inside them.

Their screams tore through the once-tranquil forest, shattering the silence like glass. The intensity of their cries echoed through the trees, fueled by pure horror. Their voices strained and cracked, but they couldn't stop - it was as if the sound was the only thing keeping them tethered to reality.

And they both turned and ran.

As they did, it was as if the corpse was watching them, staring after their every move.

