Page 26 of Not This Time

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And if he was telling the truth...

Then, neither JacknorTom was the killer. Jack had seemed genuinely shocked at the news of his wife's death. He'd cared for her enough toleavetwo packed suitcases out in the open. What sort of husband on the verge of matricide would look after his wife's well-being like that?

And Tom... seemed genuinely certain Jack had done it. Which meant Tom hadn't.

But someone who scared Tom had put him up to the shooting. And Jack had just been caught in the crossfire.

She felt a jolt of pity, her heart heavy.

Someone else was involved in all of this. Another Clark? Maybe Silas Clark, the patriarch of the clan. A man who seemed to put the fear of God in his brood.

Or maybe some other player she wasn't even aware of.

"Rachel?" Ethan prompted.

Before she could respond, her phone buzzed in her pocket. Reluctantly, she tore her gaze away from the body on the road and answered the call. "Blackwood."

"Ranger, it's Sheriff Collins. Another body's been found on the Clark property. I need you and Ranger Morgan ASAP."

Her blood ran cold, the bitter wind biting into her exposed skin. "Understood, we're on our way."

As she hung up the phone, she looked over at Tom. "Get in."

He stared.

"Now," she said.

He hurried forward, and Ethan reached over the side of the truck to help him up. "Jack first," Ethan said. "Lift him."

Tom muttered and protested, but did as he was told.

Rachel gripped the steering wheel, staring at where her phone lay on a blood-stained seat.

Another body.

On Clark land.


She shook her head, glancing in the mirror to make sure everyone was situated.

She wondered how she was going to explain the corpse cuffed to Tom to the processing officer back at the precinct.

"Quick stop to drop off the dunce," she said.

Ethan flashed a thumbs up. Tom frowned.

She gunned the engine and ripped down the mountain road.

Once they dropped Tom off, though, they'd have to head back to the crime scene.

The last time they'd tried, the Clarks had punched a sheriff. A few hours later, a Clark had shot their lead suspect.

Who knew what the family would do when they found out one of their own had been arrested?

Not to mention... who was this newest victim?

Rachel frowned, biting her lip, which caused a flash of pain, and focusing on the road ahead.
