Page 51 of Not This Time

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"Listen to this," Ethan said, breaking the silence that had enveloped them for miles. "Silas has been accused of assault, fraud, and even arson, but he's never been arrested for anything serious. It's like he's always one step ahead of the law."

"Or someone's protecting him," Rachel muttered, her suspicion of the old rancher growing darker with every mile. "It's no secret that he has a lot of influence in this town, and I can't shake the feeling that he's connected to these murders somehow." She hesitated. "I just figured why would a man dump bodies on his own ranch... but maybe he's just brazen."

The road stretched out before them like a winding ribbon, flanked by miles of parched scrubland dotted with cacti and tumbleweeds. The sun crept higher into the sky, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out and grasp at their car as it sped along the desolate landscape.

"Look, there's the entrance," Ethan pointed towards a rickety wooden gate adorned with a rusted sign that read 'Clark Ranch'. The metal hinges groaned in protest as Rachel swung the car onto the property, sending a cloud of dust billowing up behind them.

The ranch itself was a sprawling expanse of dry, cracked earth and sun-bleached buildings. An air of desolation hung heavy over the place, as if life itself had been choked out of the land. A cluster of gnarled mesquite trees provided scant shade for a few weary cattle, their ribs visible beneath their taut skin. The main house stood at the heart of the ranch, its once grand white facade now chipped and peeling under the relentless Texas sun.

"Something doesn't feel right about this place," Rachel muttered, her eyes scanning the scene before them. "It's like the whole ranch is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen."

"Silas isn't going to make this easy for us," Ethan replied, his voice low and steady. She glanced at him, but glanced sharply away once more.

Rachel couldn't help but feel a pang of embarrassment as she recalled the incident from the motel room yesterday. The vision of Ethan's naked form was seared into her mind, and she chastised herself for being so unprofessional. But then his revenge... leaning in for that kiss while she refused to recoil, then laughing at her... She frowned. Her cheeks burned, but she desperately tried to focus on the task at hand. She knew she couldn't afford any distractions; Silas Clark and his family were proving to be increasingly dangerous.

"Looks like we've got company," Ethan murmured, drawing Rachel's attention back to the present moment. Their car came to an abrupt stop in front of the main house, where Silas and his sons loomed large on the porch, their imposing figures casting long shadows across the dusty ground.

Rachel took a deep breath as she assessed the men before her. Silas stood in the center, his beard white as snow but his eyes cold and calculating, the shotgun cradled in his arm like a menacing promise. Jeb, his ever-present bodyguard, glowered next to him, his massive hands curling into fists--the size of his hands belied his short stature. Two other ranchers flanked them, all wearing expressions of hostility.

Rachel and Ethan shared an uncomfortable look, and pushed open their doors, waving hands to clear dust.

As Rachel emerged from the vehicle, she turned to face Silas.

"Morning, folks," Silas drawled, his voice dripping with false cordiality. "What brings you to our humble abode?"

"Mr. Clark, we're here to ask some questions about Candess Hernandez." Rachel tried to keep her tone steady. She stood with a relaxed posture, her voice calm and her eyes watchful.

"Who's that?"

"You might have known her as Candace," Rachel replied. "From your visits."

"Is that right?" Silas replied. His face expressionless. He shifted his grip on the shotgun, and Rachel forced herself not to flinch.

"Look," Ethan interjected, stepping forward. "We don't want any trouble. We just want to clear up some inconsistencies in the case."

Silas narrowed his eyes, sizing them up before responding. "Well, now, I reckon we might be able to help with that. Won't you come on up and have a seat?"

Rachel's heart pounded in her chest, but she knew she couldn't show any fear. She locked eyes with Silas, silently communicating her resolve.

"Thank you," Rachel said, speaking softly and evenly. She felt as if she were staring at a motionless crocodile. The stationary creature didn't communicate safety, only a reprieve. "We appreciate your cooperation."

"Of course, my dear," Silas replied, his voice dripping with insincerity. "We're all about helping out our fellow man... or woman."

She followed Ethan up the wooden steps. Silas lowered his large frame into a rocking chair, and gestured at another, smaller, dusty chair facing it.

Ethan remained standing, but Rachel lowered slowly. Now wasn't the time for fear.

Not when stepping foot into an adder's nest.

Now was the time for quick, decisive action.

As they settled onto the creaky wooden chairs, Rachel steeled herself. She'd once crawled through swampy marsh in search of a python in the Everglades. It had taken her six days. For one period, she'd remained motionless in the crook of a tree, a bowie knife in hand, for almost twenty-four hours.

She wasn't sure why she remembered that hunt now... But it kept bubbling to the surface of her mind.

The sun glared down on them as Rachel took in the scene before her. Silas sat, but had turned, peering over the rail.

She realized now, his shotgun aimed at a small group of groundhogs that were scurrying about near the edge of the property. His face was a mask of concentration, his dangerous eyes narrowed and unblinking.
