Page 54 of Not This Time

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Rachel frowned, glancing from one harsh stare to another.

Sometimes, as the saying went, you caught more flies with honey.

Other times, you ignored the damn flies all together.

Rachel glanced over her shoulder, nudged Ethan and jerked her head, indicating they ought to head back down the steps of the porch.

He raised an eyebrow at her, but she gave the faintest of nods.

Jeb noticed the interchange and smirked. "Now go on there, Morgan. Do as you told, like a good boy. Remember the last time we dusted up."

Ethan didn't react to this comment, but Rachel spotted his left hand closing into a fist.

She caught his arm, and turned.

"Good day, gentlemen--we'll speak again soon."

"No, we won't!" Silas snapped.

She didn't reply. The point wasn't to win the argument. Ethan didn't say anything as she led him away down the steps.

But as soon as they'd cleared the garden fence, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and under his breath, he muttered, "What gives? They're guilty as sin."

"I don't know that," Rachel said.

"YOu heard them. They were taunting us."

"They were taunting you, mostly," she replied. "Now get in the car and drive."

He hesitated, then muttered, "You got that look in your eyes."

"What look?"

"We're not actually leaving, are we?"

Rachel smirked. "Nah. Just figure they better think so."

Ethan's eyebrows inched up, but he kept his gaze fixed forward. The two of them exchanged a knowing glance. They were still being watched from the porch of Silas Clark's imposing ranch house, where Jeb Clark stood with a shotgun cradled in his arms. Rachel could feel the weight of his gaze on them, scrutinizing their every move.

"Ready?" Ethan asked, his voice low and tense.

"Let's do it," Rachel replied, her determination shining through despite her nerves.

They made a show of getting into their car, waving casually at the house before driving off the property. As soon as they were out of sight, they circled around, parking behind a cluster of trees to conceal their vehicle. Rachel ducked under a mulberry bush, moving quietly, her feet padding againstthe soft earth. Ethan followed suit, and soon they were crouched behind a small shed, looking out at the Clark ranch.

Rachel could see that the tension in Ethan's shoulders had eased somewhat, and she knew that he trusted her judgment.

"Okay," she whispered. "We need to get closer, but we have to be careful. They might have guards posted."

"What exactly are we looking for, all secretive?"

"I don't know. Something. Anything."

"We found two corpses on their land. That not enough?"

"It is... but it doesn't tie them to the murders. I want motive."

Ethan nodded, and they moved slowly and deliberately, scanning the area for any signs of danger.
