Page 61 of Not This Time

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He could still picture the car crash. He'd been one of the first responders who'd shown up. It had been a bad crash. A drunk driver had plowed into the side of her car, T-boning it.

He could still picture the scene, years ago. Poor Ms. Carter's car wrapped around a telephone pole, crushed from the side. Glass and metal scattered across the road, along with the blood and screams of the injured. He had been assisting one of the paramedics that night, and he had watched as they pulled her from the wreckage, her leg twisted at an unnatural angle.

He had felt a strange connection to her then, one that had only grown stronger with the passing years. He had watched her from afar, learning everything he could about her. He knew her schedule, her routine, her favorite places to eat. He knew who her friends were, and even her daily habits. But she'd moved houses recently...

Changing the pattern.

He wrinkled his nose. He hated when his marked-oneschangedanything.

He knew what he had to do. He had done this so many times before. It was like second nature to him now.

He'd followed her for nearly three miles now, and she was still none the wiser.

He watched as she bobbed her head in her car, singing along with some unheard music.

As he followed her along the winding roads, he studied her movements, her every turn and hesitation. She seemed oblivious to his presence, or perhaps she was simply too naive to think that someone could be watching her so closely. It didn't matter; soon enough, she would be his.

He pressed down on the accelerator, closing the distance between them until he was just a few car lengths behind her. He could see her silhouette through the rear window, her braid whipping back and forth as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.

"Pull over," he whispered, flipping on the flashing lights.

He hit the siren next.

Her car swerved to the side of the road, and he pulled up behind her. He stepped out of his vehicle and walked towards her car, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the excitement building inside him, the anticipation of what was to come.

As he reached her car, he tapped on the window, motioning for her to roll it down. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear. No recognition though. She had no clue who he was.

The woman hesitated for a second before complying, her eyes flickering to the rearview mirror as she rolled down her window. He watched her closely, taking in the way her chest heaved with rapid breaths as she braced herself for whatever was to come.

"Evening, ma'am," he drawled, leaning against her window. Up close, he could see the beads of sweat forming on her brow, the tremor in her hands as she rolled down the window. "License and registration, please."

"Of course, officer," she stammered, fumbling with her purse as she searched for the requested documents. Her fingers were shaking so badly that she nearly dropped them, her eyes darting between him and the road as if contemplating escape. He savored her fear, letting it fuel the fire that was already burning inside of him.

"Thank you," he said, his voice smooth as silk, a stark contrast to the storm raging within him. As he took her information, he made a mental note of her address, committing it to memory. "Everything seems to be in order, Ms. Carter. Just try to drive more carefully in this weather, alright?"

"Y-yes, sir," she stammered, relief washing over her face like a tidal wave. "I'll be more careful. Thank you."

"Hang on now," he said, flashing a charming smile. "No reason you're rushing, is there?"

She hesitated. "i... umm... No. No, of course not." She stammered, staring at him.

He gave her a good-natured smile.

She paused. "I, er... no. No, of course not."

He watched as her eyes flickered with uncertainty, her fingers drumming nervously against the steering wheel. He could feel her fear, and it only made him more excited. She was rubbing at her leg, though, wincing as she did.

It hadn't healed.

He felt a flash of regret.

He didn't like what he wasforcedto do. But he had to do it all the same.

"Are you sure?" he asked, leaning closer to the car. "You seem a little on edge. Is everything alright?"

She swallowed hard, her eyes darting between him and the road ahead. "No, everything's fine," she said quickly. "I just have somewhere to be, that's all."

He raised an eyebrow. "Somewhere important?"
