Page 71 of Not This Time

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Dr. Caldwell nodded, his gaze never leaving Rachel's face.

"I know they died," he said quietly. "And I know all three were my clients."

Rachel blinked at his forthright comment.

"I see," she said.

He stared at her. And then, with a small burp, he wobbled and toppled into the sand.


Rachel sat with her hands drumming the steering wheel, shooting glances into her rearview mirror towards where the inebriated Dr. Caldwell's head lolled against the back headrest.

His hands were cuffed in front of him, and she noticed he had abnormally long legs and a strangely short torso. He seemed much smaller, shrunken, where he sat in the back.

His face was flushed, and he continued to slowly murmur to himself and shake his head.

She frowned at him, wondering if he was trying to play her.

Was this really the serial killer who'd been plaguing the area?

As this troubling thought crossed her mind, her phone suddenly began to ring.

She glanced down at the seat next to her, double-checked that Caldwell was still cuffed, and then answered.

"Morgan!" she exclaimed and felt a flash of embarrassment at the relief in her voice.

"Miss me, missy?" came the cheeky reply in its trademark southern twang.

"What happened? Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Ethan said. "We talked it out."

"Shit, really?"

"No. I distracted Jeb for a bit, challenged him to a fistfight."

She stared at the road, then frowned. "Wait...really?"

He snorted. "Yeah. He was drunk enough to believe me. Wanted to put me in my place again."

"So... you fought him?"

"Hey, hey," Ethan's voice came. "That's a lot of cynicism for a gal that beat the poor man in a horse race." A pause. "But no. The moment they lowered their guns, six SWAT officers who'd shown up from the city swarmed them. It was over in seconds. No shots fired."

Rachel snorted. "Nicely done. Wish I coulda seen his face."

Ethan sighed. "Really, it was just sad. He seems to think we've arrested his wife."

Rachel winced, picturing the corpse she'd found in Jeb Clark's home. The man wouldn't be the same after all of this.

Her eyes darted into the back seat once more, frowning towards Caldwell.

Ethan's tenor changed. "Did you find him?"

She kept her voice low. "Mhmm."

"He there with you?"
