Page 73 of Not This Time

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That was why, she realized, it hadn't been apparent on her initial search. Some juvenile records from that long ago could potentially end up sealed.

"So you hurt another girl?"

"I... We were both young. I didn't go through with it! I didn't! Besides, I served my time."

Rachel just nodded slowly. "So you were scared we'd piece together your connection to the victims and your past. Is that about it?"

"I didn't have anything to do with it!" He said firmly. "Not a lick."

It seemed an odd phrasing. But she let it pass. "So you tried to outrun the police? You left your home."

"When... when I heard that Mrs. Clark had died... I knew what you all would think. Someone is killing my clients!" he moaned.

"So when you heard about the murders... you felt...sad?"

"Of course! I care for all my clients!"

Rachel nodded, still studying the strange man and wondering what his angle was. Did he really think he'd convince her?

She frowned. But what if he was telling the truth?

A novel thought. What if it really was a coincidence?

But he was the only connection between the three victims. So she said, "When you heard about the first murder, what did you think?"

"I didn't know at first. Tom Clark told me."

"You know the Clarks?"

"Everyone in this town knows the Clarks."

Rachel's mind began to race. Was it possible that Caldwell was telling the truth? Could it be that he really didn't have anything to do with the murders? She knew she had to tread carefully. If he was innocent, she didn't want to ruin his life by falsely accusing him.

She decided to change tactics. "So, where were you when the murders occurred?"

Caldwell shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I was at home. Alone."

"And you didn't hear or see anything suspicious?"

He shook his head. "No, nothing."

Rachel wasn't convinced. She had a nagging suspicion that Caldwell was hiding something. But what was it? She decided to press him further.

"Tell me more about your relationship with the victims. Did you have any conflicts with them?"

"No, no conflicts," he said quickly. "I was just doing my job, trying to help them out."

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "Help them out with what?"

Caldwell hesitated. "Just... personal matters. I can't really say more than that. It's privileged."

Rachel took a shot in the dark. "Was it fertility issues? I didn't know it was under the purview of a chiropractor."

"I... I see." He trailed off. "It was a variety of maladies. Old injuries, but also..." he paused, wincing.

"They're dead now, sir. I don't think they'll mind if you breach privilege." She added, her voice firm, "And it might go a long way in affectingyourfuture."

He seemed to deflate. "I also do some counseling on the side. That's why they kept visiting me. It's a popular feature with my clients. I can't advertise it, since technically I'm not licensed..."
