Page 77 of Not This Time

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Heart pounding. Rain relentless. Footsteps echoed.

He approached the side of the car, gun in hand. A figure was sitting in the front seat. He smiled, raised his gun, pointing it through the window.

The figure inside was a silhouette, hard to see through the rain-streaked window on the side of the road.

But it didn't matter.

He didn't need toseehis prey.

He aimed the gun, pointing it. And then he tapped on the window.

Rachel wasn't going to die.

She was going tobreed.

The figure inside the vehicle didn't react.

He frowned, tapping harder on the window with his gun.

And then he leaned in and froze.

His eyes widened.

The figure sitting in the front seatwasn'tRachel Blackwood.

It was Theo Caldwell.

The man was slumped forward, his head resting against the steering wheel. Both his hands were cuffed. He was asleep.

What the hell?

Suddenly, there was grumbling sound like thunder, but it hadn't originated from the clouds above.

Rather, it had come from behind him.

He whirled around, eyes wide.

Headlights flared from his own car. A figure had slipped into his vehicle without him knowing.

He let out a desperate shout as the vehicle surged forward, attempting to cut him down where he stood.


Rachel had spotted the figure of Officer O'Connor creeping up to the side of her window.

She'd been watching from behind the mulberry shrubs on the side of the road, just as she'd intended.

But then, in a sudden lull, as if the storm had briefly hesitated, she'd heard the whimper through the open door. A woman pleading for help.

Rachel had spotted wide eyes over a tight gag peering from the back seat at her, and she'd been forced to make a quick decision.

Caldwell had told her everything.

About his PTSD clients. About some of the fantasies that Officer O'Connor had shared. About how O'Connor hadrecognizedMs. Carter from a car crash years ago.

But other parts he’d left out, and she’d intuited.

His injured hand. He had injuries on his leg, too. An accident, years ago. A lifetime of rejection on dating apps. For promotions. Rejected by some clients. Turned away again and again. He’d wanted to prove his fitness—thathewasn’t the weak one. It had festered as he’d dwelled on his envy.
