Page 2 of Dirty Dean

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Standing up, I straighten my robe and walk up to the stage for the third time tonight. "Miss Clarke, it's with great pleasure I present this to you." He sounds like he's eating slugs and having a hard time breathing.

"Thank you, Mr. Groveton." At my words, he closes his eyes for a second before reaching out to shake my hand.

The principal gently pushes us out of the way, and I take my hand from Christopher's. I already want to feel his hand again, and I don't understand. I’ve never reacted like this to anyone. Everyone in my high school called me a dork and a prude because I didn’t date. Guys my age most certainly couldn’t hold my attention, but Chris only has to look at me, and I feel like a love-struck teenager.

Walking off the stage with the feeling that Christopher is watching me, I try not to trip over my own two feet. When I get to my seat, I sit down and Tia leans in.

"Want to tell me what the fuck that was?"

Looking at her, I shrug. I'm speechless for once. "I don't know." The words come out in a whisper, and I’m surprised I even formulated anything sensible.

We are released, and we throw our hats in the air. It's been a baffling day for me, and Tia chuckles as we walk toward my parents. My mother looks anxious, and when she pulls me into a hug, she asks, "Did he hurt you?"

I'm confused about what she means as I look at her. "No? Why in the world would he hurt me, Mom?”

"He's intense," Tia adds, and I shrug again.

“After you met him, it looked like you were dazed. It seemed like he may have hurt your hand or something because you weren’t paying attention to anything or anyone.”

My mom is so oblivious to what I’m thinking. I blush and shake my head. "Mr. Groveton was very nice, and I am excited to be going to college at Groveton."

That's the truth. I don't care if Christopher is mean or not. He has no direct effect on what I do. My mind laughs at me.

"Are y'all having the barbecue?" Tia asks, interrupting my spiraling thoughts, and I sigh gratefully.

"You better believe it, Tee Tee. Drive me home?" I don't want to deal with my parents right now. Mom is staring at me with a wry smile, but my step-father is glaring, and that's not like him.

"See you at home," I tell my mom and give her one last hug.

She pulls me in and whispers, “Be careful on your way home. We’re going to talk about the little blush you had while talking about Christopher. And the letter you sent him.”

How the heck does she know I sent a letter? “Oh my god, mom, please.” I pull away and grab Tia’s arm. There’s no way.

"Wow, your step-father looks pissed as hell." Tia pulls her keys out of her pocket and takes her robe off. I leave mine on. It's not that I'm ashamed of my body. I just don't like people staring.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on." Not watching where I am going, I bump into someone and almost fall flat on my butt.

"Holy shit, watch where you’re going," a man says as he pulls me into his arms and as I look up, horrified that I just hit Christopher Groveton.


Hi?Hi?!That's all I can say. God, please just shoot me now. He cocks one perfectly arched eyebrow at me and snarls. "Don't expect me to catch you every time you fall."

"I..." Tia honks the horn on her car, and we both turn toward her.

"Dude, we got a barbecue to get to." She's always so dang bossy. Sighing, I step out of Christopher's arms, and he growls.

His eyes roam over my body, and when he looks back at me, I finally realize what authors mean when they say the male character is eye fucking the female character. "See you around campus, Jasmine."

As he says my name, I shiver. It's like a dark promise or something. Not wanting to keep Tia waiting any longer, I walk away from the man that makes me feel weird, but somehow still enjoyable. Too bad my entire family seems to be against him. I’m not sure what the problem with him is. He’s a highly decorated veteran and has helped Groveton College move into the twenty-first century with new technology upgrades as well class offerings.

The horn beeps again at me, and I laugh. "Alright, alright Tia. Jeez, can’t a girl contemplate without you hurrying her?"

Tia laughs as I open the door, moaning about her impatience.

Chapter Two

"Fuckme,"Imumbleas I walk back to my truck. My assistant shouldn't have assigned this task to me. How was I supposed to know that the second I saw my step-niece-in-law, I would become befuddled? And the way she looked at me like I hung the damn moon pissed me off even more. No one should believe I’m a good guy. I have too much vengeance and venom in my veins.
