Page 3 of Dirty Dean

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Seeing David, I wanted to punch him into next week. So happy with his makeshift family. His wife looked just like someone who would be arm candy. So damn thin and smiling like he was her everything. Jasmine is the direct opposite. Yes, she was smiling, but she has curves for days. Fuck, Jasmine is delectable. But that’s not what the problem is. She’s smart and trusting. Too goddamn trusting. The way she looked at me with those eyes of hers told me she would take my word as gospel.

The letter in my pocket is eating at me. When I received it a few days ago, I didn't open it. Hell, I threw it in the trash, and my assistant picked it out and placed it on my desk. My mission was to give the damn thing back to Jasmine, but when I touched her hand, I knew better. There's something there that I want to exploit. I want to make her beg. Want to hear that sweet voice of hers saying my name and thinking I hung the fucking moon. I want to tarnish that good girl persona and make her my dirty little whore. One look at her and David will know she’s used up.

Goddamn, I'm not even supposed to feel anything toward the girl. Yet, here I am, driving home, wondering if her little pouty mouth would fit around my cock. Shit, this has to stop. There is no such thing as wondering about it. I'm her elder, in charge of her education, and I will not fraternize with a damn student.Yeah right. If she were to show any interest in you other than being your step-niece, you’d be spreading her legs wide and fucking her.

Putting that thought to rest, I drive home in silence, letting my mind finally come to peace with the fact that my step-brother seemed happy, and his wife looked like her daughter was her everything. So much for ruining the plan of telling Jasmine she would never be a student at Groveton.

Locking the front door, I turn off my porch light and walk into my study. Sitting down after pouring myself a double whiskey, I open the letter.

Dear Uncle Christopher,

(Ok, so step-uncle-in-law, but who says that?)

Fuck, that’s adorable.

Adorable, Chris?


I can already feel my mind slipping into wanting to know the girl.

You don't know me, and I understand it’s unorthodox to send a letter to the Dean of Education. However, I wanted you to know I don't expect any special handouts. That if I don't receive the scholarship, then I will work hard to pay for my education myself.

Nothing like David. He took the handout and ran with it. Re-reading the paragraph, I think about how hard she would really work for it. Would she beg like I imagine? Hell, I want to know if she would fuck me in front of him just to show what a naughty little slut she can be for me.

Although, I have to admit, Groveton has been my dream since I was a little girl. That's not why I'm writing at all. No. I want to invite you to lunch before school starts so I can meet you. My step-father doesn't talk much about you, but I found out from your dad (his step-father) who you are. It would be awkward to come to Groveton and not know I had family around—even if it’s stepfamily.

A lunch with her? Hell if I did that, I’d likely have her in the back of my car, fucking her stupid. No, it’s best I don’t go there.

I sound like I'm babbling. Sorry, I'm nervous. This is the first time I've written to anyone asking for a meeting. Also, I wanted to say the paper you wrote on the history of Texas was insightful and helped me understand some things that our teachers in high school weren't willing to explain. Which I found odd. So, thank you.

I set the letter down and frown. Intelligent. Thoughtful. Wise. Fuck. This is not what I was expecting. Not at all. What most people would think about a teenager is they have a lot of growing up to do. It sounds like Jasmine is well beyond her young years.

But she's my step-niece and a fucking scholarship kid. I'm not sure what's worse. My thoughts turn to David, and my mood darkens. All thoughts of Jasmine being adorably sexy vanish.

"Enter." My father's voice is muffled by the solid oak door to his office. It's been four hours since the mail arrived, and I've been anxiously awaiting to find out if they have chosen me to attend Groveton College. It's unbearable to not know, and since I'm not willing to wait any longer, I open the door to see my father holding a piece of paper up to the light.

"Thank you for your interest in Groveton College. The Groveton Admissions Committee has completed an evaluation of your scholastic accomplishments, and we are sorry that we cannot offer you a place in the Class of blah blah blah."

He throws the paper down and looks at me. "Pathetic. My own fucking blood couldn't get into our family's college. Oh, but David sure did. Full ride. He’s not blood, Christopher. How the fuck did my son not get in, but that bastard did?" My father's one good eye glares at me with disgust.

“But I had a 4.0 grade point average and did everything to get in.” My voice cracks, and my dreams flush themselves down the toilet in my brain. It makes little sense to me. Father is on the committee, and he had to have known this already.

"You knew what the terms were, Christopher. Pack your shit. You leave for bootcamp tomorrow." My father turns in his chair, giving me his back, leaving me tumbling emotionally.

"Father..." I croak, and he turns back around, slaps his hand across his desk, and stands up.

"Don't you even think about begging, boy. You are a Groveton. Show some goddamn dignity and get your ass out of my office."

With slumped shoulders, I walk out of the office, feeling dejected and unsure of my path. I'll never make it through bootcamp. Hell, I'm a wimp, and I know it. Books and studying. It's all I've ever known. I don't run or go out to the gym. How in the world am I going to fair in the Marines?

I could run away, but I nix that idea immediately. There's no point in trying to get away from my father. He will have his eyes and ears everywhere looking for me, and I refuse to fucking live like that. Hell no. The only option is to succeed in the damn Marines and show my father I'm more than he thinks I am.

As the memory leaves me, I remember when David told me he didn’t even want to go to college but my father came to him and told him that if he went to school in my place, he would make sure it was a full ride. I remember the smug way David told me that my father worked to get me put in the Marines because I was such a fucking disappointment.

I take a deep breath in and wonder how the fuck I'm going to be nice to a student when all I want to do is make her pay for her father taking my spot at Groveton? Maybe I don’t have to be nice. I can wrap my plan into a package that Jasmine won’t be able to refuse and have her jumping at my every command. I’ve read her school records and know how eager she is to succeed. The thoughts coming to me make me smile, and my mind rests knowing I will have my revenge. It will take a bit of finagling, but I can make it happen.

Picking up my phone, I email my assistant about the new plan for the work-study program. If little Miss Sunshine can make it through the gauntlet, maybe I'll even be kind to her and have lunch one day.Lunch with her on her back and my cock nine inches deep inside of her.
