Page 4 of Dirty Dean

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It's highly doubtful she will make it through my plan, but if she fails, then she will crawl back to her precious mother and stepfather for help. But she won't get that far. Hell no, I’ll have her so wrapped around me, she can’t think straight. Jasmine will beg me to help her, and when she does, I'll have her exactly where she belongs. Under me, in debt to me, looking at me with tears in her eyes and a moan on her lips. And if the board of directors at where David works gets tapes of his precious step-daughter fucking the Dean of Education to stay in school, well, all the better. Besides, David is all about his reputation. He will lose his job, his wife will divorce him, and he will be nothing without them.

Chapter Three

AresponsefromChristophernever came. I have to say…it eats at me. He didn't send a rejection letter to me. I laugh at myself as I lug my last suitcase into my dorm room. I understand why he didn't respond. For Christ's sake, I'm a student after all, and it would be bad if someone caught him with a student, even if it were something as harmless as having lunch.

It's awkward being in a dorm room all by myself. Taking in the space, I smile. There's plenty of room to build a library. Picking up my book bag, I slump it onto my shoulder. The fresh air around campus will clear my thoughts, and I can get a better layout of where my classes are.

After thirty minutes of walking around and mind mapping my classes, I realize I’m pretty lucky. Three of them are in the same building, one is in the computer lab right next to the library, and the other one is across campus. It's not a bad deal, I just hate walking.

"Hey there." A man's voice startles me, and I whip around.

I have to crane my neck to look at the person who is talking to me. It's a football player, or at least I think it is, considering he’s wearing a jersey. I smile. Popular people make me nervous, but I’ve worked hard to overcome my shyness and be talkative. Tia calls me a social butterfly, but I just like making new friends.

"Hello, there. Who are you?" Great. I've probably insulted him by not knowing who he is. In my previous experience with the jocks, if you don't know them, they get offended easily. I shudder to think I've made a bad impression already.

He laughs and if I were into the whole cocky look with a know-it-all personality, I might find him cute. "You are definitely new here. I'm Jaxon. The Kappa House is having a welcome back party. I'd like to invite you to have some fun."

A party? Eh. Tia might enjoy it, though.

"Can I bring a friend?"

"Sure. Here's the invite with all the details. The only thing we ask is that whoever you bring has to be a student."

He touches my shoulder, and I don't like it. His hand is too firm, but I say nothing.

After a beat of silence, I shrug. "Yeah, of course. She's new here too."

"Good. What's your name?" He massages my shoulder, and his eyes deepen in color. I don't feel safe at the moment, and I'm not sure why. Jaxon has been nothing but nice to me. I'm definitely reading into things that I shouldn't be reading into.

"Jazz," I whisper.

He smiles at me and tugs on a piece of my hair that came loose from my bun. "I really hope you come, Jazz."

"Thank you." He walks away, and I laugh at how silly I was being about him touching me.

Stop it, Jazz, he was only being friendly.

At least that’s what I tell myself.

My phone beeps at me three times back-to-back. Taking it out of my book bag, I look at my messages.

Mom:Don't forget to check in with Chris for the work-study program.

Mom: And don't get overwhelmed, everything will be alright. I promise.

Mom:Oh, I love you. Make sure you call me later.

I shake my head and wonder how long it will take her to call me if I don't answer. Of course, I will not test my independence this way.

Me: Mom, I'm good. Got all my stuff into the dorm and mapped out my way around campus. I will check in with Uncle Chris on Monday after my last class.

Mom: Ok, good. Make sure you look after Tia.

Me:Oh my gosh Mom. You know I will. On my way to orientation. I love you.

Putting my phone back in its place and walking to the quad area, I feel someone is watching. Looking around, I spot her and get excited. Tia is my only friend, even though I was well known back in high school asMiss Sunshine. Sure, people knew me and enjoyed my company, but they didn't know me like Tia does.

“Tia!” Waving, I run over to her like the dork that I am.
