Page 44 of Dirty Dean

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“Alright, buttercup.” I stroke her hair and then help her clean her sore pussy after she finishes peeing. Slowly, we walk to the tub and I help her in. “There now, let the warm water soak through those sore muscles.”

Jasmine has no idea that every day she endears herself to me a little more, but I’m too cold to let it come out too much. Sure, I can help her now, and show her some kindness. She’ll eat it up and tomorrow I’ll feel like a bastard for hurting her again. Because last night wasn’t the only way she will be paying me back for saving her friend’s ass.

“Here’s your phone sweetheart. I’m going to have to go, but when I send you a text, I want you to come to the office.”

“Ok, Daddy.”

I have to get out of here before I make a fool of myself and show my guilt to her. Making my way to the office they are holding the meeting, I walk in and listen to them question Laura. She handles it like a champ and when they tell her she’s on administrative leave for two weeks, I nod my head. The board listens to me, whether they like it or not.

Just one more notch against me in my father’s eyes. I took over this school and voted his old ass out and ousted David from having any fucking control.

I send Jasmine a message to come to the Groveton Hall and wait for her to get here. When I see her, I smile. She dressed in a very nice dress that makes her look professional. It’s adorable.

“Let’s go, buttercup. Tia went in about ten minutes ago.”

She smiles up at me and places her hand on my arm. “Thank you, Daddy.” Fuck, those words do something to me. Things that they shouldn’t.

We walk through the door and Tia looks back at us. Jasmine nods to her, showing her solidarity with Tia.

“Mr. Groveton, why is there another student here?”

I walk up with Jasmine right beside me. “Because these two are best friends and they both received scholarships not only for academic talent, but for some other reason. Jazz here is an artist, so she received an art scholarship. Tia here is an athlete, so she received an athletic scholarship. Now, are we done here?”

“Mr. Groveton, this is highly…”

I cut the woman off with a slash of my hand.

“Enough. You have gotten your answers from my staff, and you now have grilled this young lady for over thirty-five minutes. Let’s make the decision right now.” I point at Tia and stare at the board. “She will remain a student for however long she deems it necessary to graduate with whatever degree she wants. There will be no talking about this, no rumors spread, and you would be wise to remember who gave you jobs in the first place.”

“Very well. Ms. Falcon, you are reinstated as a full time student. Be aware of the fact you are here on the school’s dime. Do not waste this opportunity.”

“Alright, are we done here?” Tia asks.

“Yes, you are free to go.”

Tia stands from her chair and walks toward the door. Jasmine walks besides her. “It’s all going to be alright. We won.”

That’s what Jasmine thinks. She’s lost in everything but doesn’t know it yet. “Thank you, Jazz.” Tia hugs her and looks down for a moment. “I’m going to go home now and rest.”

“If you need me, call me, ok?” I can see the concern in Jasmine’s eyes and know she’s probably the best person in the world to have as a friend.

“You bet. Same to you.”

Tia leaves, and I walk toward Jasmine. Bending down, I whisper in her ear. “Go to my office and wait for me. I need to finish some things with the board.” She nods and I kiss her ear. “Take you a nap, sweet buttercup.”

Her eyes twinkle up at me. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Once she walks out, I turn to the board and give them a loathing look. “That should have never had to happen. Who the fuck put you up to instigating the investigation against Coach Landrey? I know you had to look into Ms. Falcon because of her scholarship, but we don’t normally have an investigation after I’ve come to you and let you know I’ve handled the situation.”

They squirm and I slap my hand against the desk. “Tell me!”

“Your brother, Mr. Groveton. He is in business with the Braxton’s and he wanted to get to the bottom of this.”

“I see. Let me remind you, you are working for me and that anyone outside of this school who has no say in our business, doesn’t get to dictate what you do. Or how you do it. Are we clear?”

It took only a threat of me terminating their employment for them to agree.

Once I walked out of the room, I knew they were on my side of things. Opening the app on my phone, I check on Jasmine and she’s on the couch in the office.
