Page 45 of Dirty Dean

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“Good girl,” I whisper to myself. She did what I asked of her. Making a quick stop at the library, I check on a few students in the mentor program while I wait for the carrier to pick up the package that will be hand delivered to David on Thanksgiving.

As the man comes up and looks at me, I smile. It’s David’s boss. “Hello, Mr. Groveton.”

“Hello. Here is everything you need.” He looks at me for a moment, and the smile on my face turns vicious.

“There’s no backing out of this now. You signed the deal to hand me the keys of your business on the first of the new year.”

He’s antsy but nods his head. “I’ll have this to him on the date you set.” He walks away and I wait for the guilt to eat me alive. The only thing that hits me is how badly this will hurt Jasmine.

My heart urges me to stop the man and go get the package back. I ignore it and make my way to the office. Buttercup is in need of some pampering. After last night, she deserves to be held.

Entering the office, I lock the door and look at how peaceful my little one is. When she finds out what I’ve done, she’ll never forgive me. Then again, ruining David is what will complete me, so I have to remember that.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Daddy!”Imoanoutin pleasure. A chuckle wakes me, and I bolt upright.

“Hello, little one. Enjoying your dreams?” Turning to look at him, I blush. “It’s alright. Tell me, what was Daddy doing to you?”

Every time he calls himself Daddy, it makes me ache for him. The need is insane, but I crawl into his lap. Laying my head down on his chest, I sigh, content.

“You were holding me down on the bed at your house, licking me, making me count the times you made me orgasm. If I forgot, you’d start all over. It…” I trail off as I peek up at him.

“Such a naughty, needy girl. But that sounds like fun. Should that be how you repay me today for what I’ve done for you?”

At the reminder that I’m having to do things for him, I feel a rigidness creeping inside of me. I had hoped that what I already did was enough. Last night was brutal on me. My body is sore and I’m not sure I could handle another night in the cage.

“Does that mean I won’t be in the cage tonight?” Maybe I can negotiate.

Daddy strokes my hair. “Sweet little one, that’s your permanent place from here on out. I won’t put the machines on you if you are my good girl.”


He puts his finger on my lips and shushes me. “Don’t argue. We will fix up your cage to be comfortable. You’ll have to earn the right by repaying me for helping Tia out. Once I feel your debt is cleared, I will let you sleep back in the bed with me.”

I’m not sure why he considers me asking him for something to be a debt. Tia and I always ask for each other’s help and we never owe one another. Biting my lip, I nod to him. I think it’s better if I just go along with what he wants.

“Good, buttercup. Let’s get you home.”

I wrap my arms around him tightly for a moment. The need to be close to him runs rampantly throughout my body. “I don’t like being separated from you.” My words are whispered, and if he hears them, he ignores them. It’s alright, at least I said them.

Daddy and I have fallen into a circle of events. Get up, cook breakfast, go to school or work, come home, make dinner, watch television or do schoolwork, then bed. The cage isn’t so bad now. He doesn’t put me in there until I’m passed out from his lovemaking. It’s rough sometimes. Other times it’s kinky and wild.

I cherish these tiny moments when we are in his office and he’s looking at me from over his computer screen, just staring. When I feel his eyes on me, I’ll blush, it’s something I can’t seem to stop doing when I know he’s watching me. While we have to be careful out in public, behind closed doors, we can’t get enough of each other.

Like this morning when he came to my psychology class and pulled me out since he already knew I had taken my test. That I was only there because Tia was there doing her final exam before Thanksgiving break. He took me to the janitor’s closet and spanked my ass.

“You are a fucking temptation.” I whimper at remembering those words. I giggle to myself as I cook dinner for Daddy, waiting for him to get off work.

Tonight, he told me I had to have dinner ready, be naked to the right of the door, holding the plate for him. I have no problems with this.

Once dinner is done, I plate it, look at what time it is and I smile. Three minutes until he walks through that door. God, I miss him. Going into the bathroom, I freshen up, put on the high heels he wanted me to wear and come out, ready to see Daddy.

Picking up the plate, I move into position, excited to serve him. My heart beats wildly at the keypad beeping sounds off. He changed the lock code to my birthday, and it made me ecstatic to know I’m part of his life even if it’s as silly as a keypad code combination.

The door opens, closes, and locks. He takes off his jacket, ignoring me, and this is where my test begins. I hate being ignored, especially by Daddy. His tie comes off, and so do his shoes. He places the tie on the coat hanger and then his belt is loosened. My pussy clenches at the idea of him getting naked, too.

He doesn’t though. He places the belt on the belt loop and picks his tie back up. Turning around to see me standing there, I smile for him. “Goddamn, you look amazing, little one. Get on your knees.”
