Page 48 of Dirty Dean

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“Are you going to answer it, Daddy?”

“Jasmine, yes, I have to.” I help her get up, take the phone and walk toward the living room and look back.

My little girl has her head down and I wonder if she knows something I haven’t told her. It would be a shot in the dark, but what if she did know. Fuck. My heart is beating fast as I answer the phone and walk out the front door.

“Lily, are you ok?”

“I need your help. God, please, Chris.” Her voice is panicked, and I know this has to do with Cian. Fuck, I warned her not to get involved with him.

Keeping a calm voice, I close my eyes before I answer. “Lily, you know I will assist, what do you need?”

“A place to hide. Cian’s gone mad and… and I need to get out of here.”

“Are you headed to Groveton now?”

“Yes, I have to take the back roads, and I’m dumping my old car about five states away from you. A friend of mine who is headed to Mexico can get me down there.”

“Should I come get you instead? I don’t like the idea of you being out in the open, if it’s that bad, Lily.”

The front door opens and without turning around, I know it’s my sweet girl. “No, Chris, I just need your help. I’ll be there in a few days.”

“Fine. Come to the college when you get here and we will discuss what we can do.”

“Thank you.”

I hang up and pocket my phone. Jasmine is standing on the front porch, hands behind her back and looking at me. Walking over to her, I crowd her against the front door. “Everything ok, Daddy?”

There’s no jealousy in her eyes or tone, but I hear the question inside of the one she just asked. “Yes, just an old friend that needs help.”

“And you’re going to help her?”

“I sure am. We don’t let people we love down.” Fuck, I didn’t mean to say it that way. Jasmine shrinks back from me and gasps.

“You… Do you love her?”

Vulnerability is written all over her. Her lower lip trembles and she bites it to keep from crying. I can tell by the way she’s blinking I’ve hurt her. “Little one, Lillian is a very old friend of mine, and she’s in a lot of trouble with her husband. I have to help her.”

“So you two never… It doesn’t matter. If she needs help, I guess I can’t be selfish and say you can’t help her.”

Too goddamn sweet. Every time I expect her to show some kind of cruelty in her, she shows me kindness.

“I promise, you don’t have to worry about her, alright?” I push a hand through her hair and lift her face up to meet my gaze. “It’s important that we help our friends, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Daddy. Just like you helped Tia and Laura. I’m sorry if I sounded jealous.” God, she shouldn’t be apologizing to me. Especially considering David will be calling soon.

“Why don’t we go home, watch your favorite movie and enjoy a cuddling night?”

“I’d love that Daddy.” She snuggles into my chest and I know for now, she’s my little girl and I don’t have to worry about too much. She will come around to knowing Lillian. Besides, Lillian is my past, not my future.

“Good. Let’s go tell our friend’s good night. I’m sure they are itching to be together too.”

Jasmine giggles and nods. “Yeah, Laura wouldn’t let Tia out of her lap.”

I laugh, knowing the feeling, but I don’t say anything. Maybe I should call the whole damn thing off and enjoy my time with Jasmine. As my little girl hugs Tia, I look at the time. Two more hours. Yeah, it’s too late to go back now. I’ll have to accept the consequences once they come to pass.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Whenwegethome,I kiss Daddy, and he chuckles. “Let’s get the popcorn popped, little one.”
