Page 153 of Shadow's Raven

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Sure, she was heading out to find Kol, but the way she did it stemmed from her need to get away from me. And look how that turned out.

My friends had been able to undo all the damage. The physical damage, at least. If I had anything to do with it, she'd never have to go through another traumatic event ever again.

I was still deep in thought when the handle was ripped away.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you coming in?" Raven's voice was a mix of anger and weariness.

My hands lifted in surrender as she glared at me. "I'm coming in," I said hesitantly, waiting to be invited.

Raven made no effort to move. I stepped in front of her but no further, giving her time to decide. We were silent for a few moments before she let out an irritated sigh and finally moved aside.

I passed by, picking up rosemary and mint from the soap she'd used.

"About time," she grumbled as she walked away and into the bathroom.

Fully dressed in her favorite dark green colors, Raven stood in front of the mirror plaiting her long locks. Her hair was still damp.

Despite her unsmiling expression, there was something about her that screamed vitality. From her glowing skin to her straight posture, and even the delicate movements of her limbs as she finished tying off her hair.

She was light to my dark. A spark of hope in a life I had once despised.

Raven looked up at me with those piercing violet eyes of hers, eyes that were equal parts storm and seduction.

"Are you going to say anything?" she asked.

"SomehowI'm sorrydoesn't seem enough."

"It's more than I got from you the last time I was here."

"I know. I didn't handle it well."

"Grossly understated, Casmir."

Shame, regret, and guilt welled up inside me. "I'm disgusted with myself for leaving you that night. You didn't deserve it."

I wondered how she felt about leaving me in turn.

"Do you regret it?" Her voice was steady, giving me nothing.

"More than I can possibly say."

Raven shook her head. "The mark. Do you regret your soul offering it to me, whether or not it was done consciously? Do you regret my willing acceptance of it?"

There was nothing I regretted more than not being able to protect her, especially from me and my mistakes. I couldn’t get the words out.

She swallowed. "Do you even want to form a soulbond with me? Ever?"

"It's complicated."

"It's complicated?" she repeated incredulously. "No, Casimir. It's actually very simple. You either regret me being tied to you or you don't."

I scratched at my jaw. "I never wanted my past to touch you like this, to hurt you."

"That part of your past isn’t what hurt me!" she yelled, shedding her unaffected veneer.

Her finger jabbed my chest. "You are what hurt me! I understand your reluctance. Goddess above, I'm reluctant, too, but I'm willing to talk about it. Instead of talking to me, you left. You ran away, leaving me naked in your bed."

