Page 101 of The Pursuit

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After a few heaving breaths, Noah replied, “I…don’t…hate you.”

“You should. I’ve been such a selfish bitch.”

He gave a quick jerk of his head. “No, you’re not.”

“I drove you away.”

“You needed to. I was wrong to not give you what you needed.”

Was he really saying this, or was I too blitzed and only hearing what I wanted to hear. “You mean that?”

With a painful wince, he drew himself into a sitting position next to me. “That’s why I came here to surprise you. I wanted to tell you how wrong I was, and that I wanted to make you first.”

“Oh, Noah,” I murmured as tears flooded my eyes. Desperately wanting to feel his lips on mine, I leaned over to kiss him. But before I could bring my mouth to his, the world around me grew dark. The last thing I remembered before I passed out was seeing Noah’s expression so full of concern and care….and then I face-planted on the floor.

* * *

When I started coming back into consciousness, I realized I was thankfully no longer on the floor, but instead, I was cocooned in the sheets of my bed. My head thumped wildly when I shifted on the mattress.

“Hey, beautiful,” Noah murmured in my ear.

I snapped my eyes open only to screech and shut them back. Slowly, I fluttered them while adjusting to the light on my nightstand. Although he was slightly fuzzy, Noah lay beside me in bed. “You’re really here. I didn’t dream it?”

Noah smiled as he brushed his thumb across my cheek. “Yeah, gorgeous, I’m really here.”

My happiness was short-lived when I realized he had seen me blitzed out of my mind. “Oh God,” I groaned as I buried my aching head in my hands.

“Is your head hurting? Need me to get you some medicine?”

“While drugs would be nice, it’s less about the physical and more about my utter and complete mortification.”

Noah chuckled. “You put on quite an interesting show. I mean, one minute you were singing and dancing, the next crying, and then ass over tits in the floor.”

“Thanks for the recap,” I muttered. When I scooted closer to him, I recoiled at something cold and wet. “What’s that in the bed?”

“That would be the frozen peas your dad gave me to ice my junk.”

Mortification rocketed through me. “I nailed you in the balls, didn’t I?”


I placed my hand on his chest. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“It’s okay. You were drunk and not processing that I wasn’t some weirdo intruder.”

“I hurt you pretty bad, huh?”

“While you really racked up the family jewels, I can probably still give you kids one day.”

“Jesus,” I muttered.

“Yeah, speaking of him, I thought about praying to make sure my dick still worked, but thankfully, the sight of your tits hanging out of your top while you were passed out had me rising to the occasion.”

I shoved him playfully. “Don’t be blasphemous.”

He chuckled. “I’ll try.”

Wrinkling my nose, I replied, “I don’t know what’s worse: you thinking about praying about your penis or the fact you were ogling me while I was passed out.”
