Page 118 of The Pursuit

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“Yes, your father has been able to live his dream vicariously through you. But you have to live your life for you.”

“I just hope he doesn’t disown me.”

Mom shook her head. “He loves you too much for that. You could never disappoint him by following your heart.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so.” She leaned up to kiss me on the cheek. “I’m going to go back inside now. You take all the time you need and know that you have our support.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I murmured.

As I stared back out at the water, I realized I was so much closer to making the decision I needed to make for both Gaby and me. I just hoped to have the courage to do what I needed to do.

Chapter Twenty-Four: Gaby

Although I’d originally planned on going to Colorado on my own, my parents decided last minute that they wanted to see Noah in action and came with me. I think Bella influenced their decision. I hoped she hadn’t alluded to trouble in paradise because the last thing I needed was Dad threatening to call Fabian because Noah had hurt me.

We went straight from the airport to the aquatic center. I’d let Noah know when we landed. Surprisingly, he had quickly texted me back. I don’t know how long I sat there just staring at the response on the screen.

I love you.

He hadn’t said he was glad I was coming, or that he was looking forward to seeing me.

Just that he loved me.

I love you, too.

Noah: I can’t say everything I need to say right now over a text, but just know how fucking sorry I am for the last two weeks. I swear to you I’m going to make it right.

Tears stung my eyes. There it was. The words I’d been desperate to hear. At the same time, I didn’t know how he could possibly make it right. But I was going to trust him and give him a chance.

When we arrived at the aquatic center, we took a seat with Aidan and Emma. As I watched the other events, my leg bounced with nervous energy. Just when I thought I was going to combust, Noah’s event was announced.

Leaning forward, I waited anxiously to see him come out of the locker room. As other swimmers stretched, I didn’t see Noah among them. After a few minutes, I noticed a man who appeared to be a coach was pacing around and gesticulating with his arms as he talked to an official.

Aidan rose to his feet. “Where the hell is he?” he questioned.

Emma shook her head. “I don’t know.”

We watched as the swimmers got in position, leaving a lane empty where Noah should’ve been.

“Do you think something happened to him? Like he got sick or something?” I asked.

“He’s not answering his phone,” Aidan said as he texted furiously.

It was then I noticed that Emma didn’t look as shocked or worried as Aidan did. Instead, she just wore a small smile.

“If he doesn’t come out for the one hundred meter freestyle, he’s done,” Aidan growled.

At my gasp, Emma gave me a knowing look. I scooted closer to her. “Is he refusing to compete?” I whispered in her ear.

“I think so.”


She smiled. “Because he loves you and wants to be with you.”

Oh God. “I can’t let him do that.”
