Page 121 of The Pursuit

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I threw my arms around Craig. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“You’re welcome.”

Pulling my shoulders back, I then took a deep breath and barreled into the room.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Noah

Somewhere between last night’s talk with my mom and my call time for the 200 freestyle, I received the answer I’d been waiting on. My life as a competitive swimmer was over. My heart was no longer in it—it beat only for Gaby.

At the sound of a woman’s voice, I shot off the bench.What the hell?My heart shuddered to a stop before restarting. “What are you doing here?”

“You weren’t answering your phone.”

I quirked my brows at her. “You could’ve left a message.”

“I needed to talk to you.”

“But how did you manage to get back here without a lanyard?”

“I blew one of the security guards.”

Fuck. Me.“You did what?”

She rolled her eyes. “Please tell me you don’t actually think I’d do that?”

I chuckled. “It was more like the statement alone shocked the hell out of me.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I countered, “How did you actually get in here?”

“Dad used his persuasive powers.”

The corners of my lips quirked up. “I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Let’s just say the dude was a diehard Runaway Train fan, and Dad’s probably promised him VIP tickets to a show by now to keep him off my trail.”

“Not bad.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure with his ego you’ll have to hear all about it.”

I chuckled. “Probably so.”

We stood there for a few moments just staring at each other. Gaby broke the silence. “Why didn’t you show up for your event?”

“Because I didn’t want to compete. Not now and not again.”

Gaby shook her head furiously from side to side. “I can’t let you do this.”

“It’s not your decision.”

“I’m aware of that. At the same time, I feel like I’ve driven you to it by making you put me first.”

Of course, she would feel like it was all her fault. That was who she was. She always thought of others. “I’ve been fucked up about swimming for a while now.”

“But only after you met me, right?” When I didn’t respond, she countered tearfully, “See, it’s all my fault.”

“No, it isn’t.” I stepped forward to cup her face in my hands. “The only thing you’re at fault for is making me fall in love with you.”

She shook her head. “We can make this work. You just have to be open and honest with me about what’s going on.”

“Gaby, this is me being open and honest: I’ve lost my passion for competing.” At her shocked intake of breath, I continued on, “I’m also truly sorry for being an asshole these past two weeks and freezing you out. I was wrestling with what should take my energy. What I wanted to put my heart and soul into. And I’m so fucking sorry.”
