Page 127 of The Pursuit

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In spite of being ready, it came as quite a shock when just six weeks after starting to try, I knocked her up. Gaby had merely grinned and cited the obvious fertility of our parents as the reason why. All I knew was when we were given the green light to have sex again, I would be suiting my dick up. With our fertility, I didn’t want to risk Irish twins.

We were interrupted by a nurse coming in to once again do a below-the-waist check on Gaby.

With a smile, she stated, “You’re at ten. It’s time to push.”

Although I’d watched deliveries in movies and television, it really was true how not one delivery was the same. On one side of the bed, I held Gaby’s leg while across from me, Mia had the other. Mom stood behind me, lending moral support to both me and Gaby.

While we counted and Gaby pushed, medical terms flew around between the doctor and the nurse. One I recognized was crowning, and at the sight of the baby’s head, I had to fight to keep my knees from buckling.

“Look at all that gorgeous hair,” the doctor pronounced.

“Now I know why you had all that heartburn,” I teased.

At Mia’s sniffle, my gaze bounced from Gaby’s to hers. She smiled at me before looking at Gaby. “Yours was just like that.”

“Uh, oh, babe, sounds like the Hispanic/Italian DNA might be strong with this one,” Gaby mused.

With a shake of my head, I replied, “I don’t mind.”

Gaby grinned. “I’m a little disappointed that he or she’s not a ginger.”

I barked out a laugh. “You wanted us to have a ginger?”

“More like your mom’s hair. It’s such a gorgeous color.”

When I threw a glance over my shoulder, Mom beamed back at me. “Thank you, Gaby.”

Dr. Brazelton ran his fingers through the silky strands of hair. “Pardon me for not remembering, but does this wonderful mane of hair belong to a boy or girl?”

Gaby smiled at me before answering. “We don’t know.”

“Yep, it’s going to be a big surprise,” I replied.

Before we’d even ever gotten pregnant, we’d talked about how when we did, we wanted the gender to be a surprise. Not only had we not found out what we were having, but we also hadn’t discussed names with any of our family. We’d had a generic shower like people did way back in the day and received a lot of neutral clothes and toys.

“Good for you guys.”

“Yeah, there’s so few real surprises in life,” I replied.

“It won’t be a surprise too much longer,” Dr. Brazelton mused before instructing Gaby to push again.

I don’t know how much time passed—sometimes it felt like minutes, other times hours. I kept holding Gaby’s leg and whispering words of encouragement in her ear. In between times, I wiped her brow and fed her ice chips.

And then shit got exceptionally real when Dr. Brazelton said, “One more push and your baby will be here.”

Gripping my hand tightly, Gaby pinched her eyes shut and then gave everything she had into the push. And then like the true miracle birth was, our baby appeared bloody and wailing in the doctor’s hands.

“It’s a boy!” she pronounced.

Tears stung my eyes. Holy shit, I had a son. During Gaby’s pregnancy, it hadn’t mattered to me what we had. All I wanted was a healthy kid. From his size and his hearty cries, I was pretty sure my prayers had come true.

“Oh, my God,” Gaby cried as she reached for our son. When they placed him on her chest, the waterworks began for us both. “My sweet boy, Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for you,” Gaby cooed.

I ducked over to kiss the baby before turning my attention to Gaby. I couldn’t imagine being any more in love with her than I was at this moment. Unable to voice my emotions, I kissed her forehead, her cheek, and then her lips.

When she smiled up at me through her tears, she said, “He’s amazing.”

I nodded. “You’re pretty fucking amazing, babe.”
