Page 17 of The Pursuit

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“Too bad I don’t have cell reception in here, or I’d do a quick Google search.”

“Ugh, you’re such an asshole,” she huffed.

God, I loved getting her riled. “Now that you know all about me professionally, what do you do when you’re not stuck in elevators with handsome men?”

Gaby’s lips quirked at my comment. “If you must know, I’m opening a music school for kids with physical and emotional disabilities.”

“Damn, Gaby, I’m seriously impressed.”

With a laugh, she replied, “You really mean that?”

“Totally.” And I wasn’t giving her a line. I had underestimated the depth of character Gaby possessed. Not only was she a stunner, but from wanting to help the disabled, she had a giving heart. It was a welcome change from a lot of the women I met.

“Thanks. It’s been a dream of mine since my second year of college. I mean, I always knew I wanted to go into a profession that helped people. At first, I thought I’d become a nurse like my mom, but I’m not really a fan of blood and bodily fluids.”

“Me either.” I laughed.As the excited twinkle continued dancing in Gaby’s dark eyes, I said, “Tell me more about your school.”

“At the moment, it’s a fiasco.”

“Oh shit, I’m sorry I asked.”

Grinning, Gaby replied, “No, I’m glad you did. It’s really more the building housing for the school that’s a fiasco. I’m so behind getting everything set up. It feels like it’s going to take forever before I can actually get up and running with the classes.” With a frustrated sigh, she added, “Since the very beginning, it’s something I wanted to do all on my own without any help financially from my parents.”

“That’s a pretty lofty endeavor to do all on your own.”

“I know. But I still want to do it my way.”

“Okay, Sinatra, I get it.”

She giggled. “You do?”

“It’s very important for you to have successes away from your dad’s, and this success is yours.”

“Exactly,” she replied.

“And before we talked, I thought you might want to be a rock star like your dad.”

With a shudder, she replied, “God no. I hate performing.”

“But you were amazing tonight.”

A red flush tinged her cheeks. I couldn’t help finding it adorable that the usual ball-busting Gaby was embarrassed. “You really thought I was good?”

“Hell yeah.”

“I was so nervous before the performance.”

“You didn’t look it. It was like you and the music were one.”


Electricity crackled in the air between us. Not wanting to let it die, I leaned over, gripping her chin with my fingers and tipping her gaze to meet mine. “You were so incredibly sexy when you danced.”

She stared into my eyes for a moment. “Was I?”

I nodded. “Of course, it wouldn’t take much for you to be sexy. You’re a man’s fantasy just breathing.”

Her expression slightly darkened. “How do I know you don’t say this to all the women you try to seduce?”
